No Time For Gym? 30 Minutes *A Week* On Stairs Just As Good

ONTARIO — Is too much time at home or work keeping you away from your local gym? Good news: a new study finds that all you need is a staircase and 30 minutes a week to give your body a great workout.

The findings are published in the journal Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, and conducted by researchers at McMaster University in Ontario, Canada. The study shows that intense bursts of exercise for short periods of time can be critically beneficial for one’s heart health.

In the study, stair sprints were used as an example of sprint interval training, or SIT. The researchers recognized that such exercises can improve cardiorespitory health. Lead author Martin Gibala, a professor of kinesiology at the university, has dedicated an abundance of research into high-intensity interval training over the years. He wrote a book regarding the topic, titled “The One Minute Workout.

Gibala and his team conducted their study on 31 individuals. The participants were all women who were fairly inactive, but otherwise healthy. The participants were divided into two separate groups, and each group committed to an exercise routine. Both groups were also required to participate in 10 minute sessions that included warm-ups, cool-downs, and recovery periods. The groups were devoted to their exercising for a total of a month-and-a-half. They performed their workouts three times a week, totaling nearly 20 sessions.

The first protocol required three sessions of 20-second stair climbing, in an “all-out” type of method. These exercises were compared to participants who practiced the same protocol, but instead using an exercise bike.

During the second part of the observation, participants climbed intensely up and down a flight of stairs for 60 seconds each.

Both protocols required the participants to exercise for 30 minutes each week that they were involved in the study. The research showed that the participants experienced a significant improvement in cardiorespitory fitness. The study noted that this is a key point that is linked to life longevity.

“Stair climbing is a form of exercise anyone can do in their own home, after work or during the lunch hour,” Gibala says in a release. “This research takes interval training out of the lab and makes it accessible to everyone.”

Of course, when making any significant change to your workout routine, it’s always a good bet to consult a doctor first.

This article was first published in February 2017.


  1. Of course you might want to consult your doctor if you haven’t exercised for a while and you’re thinking about starting with 60 seconds of intense stair climbing. Easy does it, cow-pokes.

    1. Over 30 seconds of all out ANY intense exercise without warmup is how snow shoveling winds up killing people with heartaches.

      1. Lost a love once, but my heartache luckily didn’t kill me like a heart attack might have.

      2. Because of the cold weather’s effect on blood flow, even athletes, bodybuilders and those who are in shape can have a cardiac episode, infarction (heart attack) if they shovel snow without sufficient conditioning, stretching and technique specific to the activity (shoveling).
        Additional factor: Men go all out to finish the task in one shot via just strength. Most women in a standard society usually have a superior cardiovascular conditioning when coupled with breaks, leads to fewer shoveling related injuries and incidents.
        I have one deck which is a heart attack waiting to happen so I purchased an electric shovel and installed an outlet specifically for this deck. After this I am warmed up and then easily shovel everything else.

        NOTE: The price of the electric shovel, the appropriate extension cord and installed outlet is far, far,far cheaper than any hospital stay by tens of thousands of dollars. This o e was a no Brainerd.

      3. Breathing in freezing air will rapidly constrict carotid arteries by as much as 60% within 30 minutes. If one had a minor 20% obstruction, it would become an 80% obstruction in the cold air. Cold weather also makes blood more likely to form clots. Trapping the air in an air-pocket in front of the face (using a scarf or a tube hood for example) allows the air to warm up before it is inhaled. This will significantly reduce the constriction of the carotid arteries when being active in cold weather. Shoveling snow is an extreme cardiac workout and, according to the researchers, raises the heart rate to more than 75% of its maximum rate. Even fit young men will have significantly increased blood pressure performing snow shoveling in cold weather and are at a higher risk of heart attack. Use a scarf. It might save your life.

      4. A plus. I failed to mention that I use a circular scarf , tactical circular scarf, neck gaiter (sometimes a sleeve which I had cut off a shirt or sweater) to provide both warmth and evaporation in the neck area. Additionally, when the snow blows back in my face, pulling the cover up to my eyes makes the airborne snow of no effect.

  2. Good article, been running stairs for years in order to play hockey at age 62. but DO NOT run down stairs as this will take a huge toll on your knees. Try running up the stairs and then walk down or take the elevator.

    1. Playing hockey is even better for you as long as you guys aren’t slamming each other around like the pros do.

      1. Body checks aren’t the problem on injuries it’s the fights the 60 year olds get into.

      2. As a 60 year old who still plays, it’s the falls that get you. Last week fell on the side of my thigh, woke up next morning with a blue and black leg.

      3. i slipped on ice in driveway yesterday, I’m now a pathetic bent over want to be hockey player

      1. Try traversing the slope on the way down. Friends have a steep driveway and they think I’m hysterical as I cross the fall line of their driveway several times, but the strain on my legs is much less than trying to struggle directly up the slope.

      2. Thanks! I do traverse down on steep slopes as well, it is much easier on the joints. I really like the exercise of hiking up the slopes but hate the coming down part, I would much rather go up, and then go up again, to get down. LOL.

    2. Never thought about that, as an engineer that sounds true. I won’t run down the stairs anymore. My weight of 240 lbs, acceleration and gravity. Factor all that up and that is a lot of force applied to the knee joints which is a small area on each knee. I thank you as I think you just helped me.

    3. That’s spot on. Good for you. I’m playing in my 25th season as a catcher in an amateur baseball league. Started in the 30 and over but have been playing in the open division since 1999 and won a few national championships over the years, in different age catagories.

  3. i guess climbing the 100 stairs up to my 6th floor walk up in the east village of madhattan 4-8 times a day for 37 years has been good for me.

    1. Good, but lifting weights and other forms of exercise to augment stair climbing is considerably more beneficial.

      1. i’m 64 and in great shape… i walk everywhere here in madhattan. haven’t had a car since 77. i carry everything up and down…. up and down…… up and down…

      2. Yeah, and folks that solely climb stairs aren’t going to look nearly as good as a lifter. There are a couple of old guys in my gym with the physiques of guys in their 20.

    2. Perhaps, but I can’t imagine what living in the east village for that long has done to your brain.

      1. as a life long independent and non-follower, it has kept my mind open no matter what knuckleheads are doing on this planet.

      2. Surely you recognize the Druid 682XX Knucklehead Buster ? It comes in the green the model is wearing and a lovely Aqua shade as well.

    3. It can’t cause neurogenesis. For that, 30 minutes of continuous cardio is required.

    4. I lived on the fifth floor of a walk up on Third Ave. near 88th Street for eight years and I would be exhausted by the time I got to my apartment at the end of a long day at work. I thought of it as a good substitute if I was too tired to go to the gym. Manhattan is an easy place to stay in shape with all the walking also. I never had a car so I would try to walk everywhere if it wasn’t too far.

  4. Nonsense! Lifting weights is very important for retaining good health, strength, and bone density. I know because I’ve been a gym member for 38 years. I’m very healthy at age 65 with zero need for drugs.

      1. I eat some junk with the good stuff. So does my healthy neighbor who just turned 100 last November. I don’t think I’ll live that long or be as healthy as he is if I do, though. Very few do.

      2. I’m on the same page as you. Age 58, take no meds, and will do anything to avoid them. In my late 40’s my doctor prescribed a statin. At the time I was out of shape and 20 lbs. overweight. Now I realize there was no need for the statin, given my family history and other health markers. I wasn’t going to have a heart attack.

        A few years ago I got serious, started eating well (but ate some junk) and lost 20 lbs. in no time. The next year my doctor said no need for statins.

        You’ve been doing it 38 years, which is great! I’ve only been doing it for three years, and I love it. And it wasn’t too late for me, and it’s not to late for 95% of the population.

        Great for everybody, except Big Pharma.

      3. Amazing! Same thing in my 40’s. My cholesterol was 225, mostly good. My doctor said I may have to take a statin. I replaced 2% milk with soy milk in my cereal, lost 10 pounds without trying, and my cholesterol dropped to 158. It’s been over 220 a couple times in the last few years, but came in around 190 this year despite all the ice cream I had been eating. Perhaps the almond butter and walnuts had something to do with it. I’m 6’2 and my weight has been under 200 for a couple decades. I’ve never been over 215.

      4. Here’s a head’s up on the statin scam.

        My cousin is 70, is in great health, works out, eats well, never smoked, no family history, perfect weight, and takes a statin. It was a WTF moment for me. Why the hell is he taking a statin?

        Check out this website from the American Heart Association:

        Enter the age of 70. Then enter good numbers (say 180 total cholesterol, 50 HDL, 110 over 70 blood pressure, and check “no” for everything else.

        And they don’t even ask your height and weight and family history, or if you exercise.

        Guess what? No matter what numbers that are entered, you need a statin. That’s right. According to the AHA, EVERY 70-year-old male needs a statin.

        And I call TOTAL BS!

    1. i’m with the no drug team as well, but only run when being chased (never) and lift and carry everything up the stairs everyday. 40lbs of laundry, groceries, my skinny butt…. my big head…..

      1. I pay $30 a month to a great health club full of great exercise equipment and nice, like-minded people. Not only is my exercise routine more beneficial than climbing stairs, I don’t get bored, I enjoy the atmosphere, and I enjoy socializing. So, go climb your stairs and save your money.

      2. Without a health club I never would have gotten into shape. And my gym is packed. I guess the “just climb stairs” advise has not taken hold (nor will it ever take hold). I’m $25/month. Can’t beat it.

    1. I just saw a member avatar of a cat with a lime peel on its head, you are named El Gato, and I just saw a show on animal planet about cats. WTH is going on in this world?

  5. ” stair sprints were used as an example of sprint interval training,”

    This body doesn’t “sprint” anywhere unless it’s no fire.

      1. I’ve been a prime candidate for Type 2 diabetes at least 30 years. At age 66, I’m not much worried.

        Thanks for your concern tho’.

  6. Interesting article. I am glad to read about the beneficial effects of stair climbing. I have often thought about how much cheaper it is than paying for a gym membership. I also use the stairs to reach up to the step above my head and do pushoffs. I do leg and back stretches and leg raises.

  7. I’ve heard that some people get hooked on exercise or a “runner’s high”. Not me. I won’t get hooked on a “runner’s high”. I’ve got will power. I don’t think I will ever be addicted to exercise. I suppose the best solution is to just never start, and then you don’t have to worry about getting addicted.

    1. If you start getting tempted to indulge in such a high, run the other way as fast as you can!

  8. At 70, I use the gym. Run, lift weights etc. I also teach classical Japanese Judo and participate in rondori. Once a week I teach pre world war two Japanese Jujitsu. No rules. Again I also participate. If you keep it up, it will keep up with you

      1. If you cannot keep it up, then you should buy my handy dandy erection kit. When you see a wonderful lady simply unzip, then reach into the box. Grab both bricks and slam it between them. IT will rise to the occasion. BUT there is a warning WATCH OUT THAT YOU DO NOT GET YOUR THUMBS IN THE WAY

    1. It’s good you also run in addition to lifting weights. Some people make the mistake of only lifting weights and neglecting the cardio. This is hard on the health.

      1. I was born in Ukraine. When brought to this country placed in a County Foster FARM. We used the ped mobile every day and I never thought much of it. When in the USMC, we ran, humped long distances etc and again to me it was normal. People who only lift, do not have the energy when running. Summer, I run about 8 miles in the soft sand at the beach, Takes me 1.45 but I feel excellent afterwards.

      2. Agree 223, while I respect the weight training and do a little myself (for basic toning and burning, not to get huge), neglecting cardio IMO is a big mistake. Frankly if given a choice, I’d much rather have super-endurance (and I do) than look like Ferrigno. No reason not to do a lot of the one you love, and a bit of the other too.

  9. Good article and great information. I’ll start the stair routine right after my two cheese burritos digest…or next month.

    1. All the exercise in the world won’t allow a person to lose weight if they are taking in too many calories. There aren’t enough hours in the day to exercise weight off if one consumes too many calories, even if one doesn’t have a job.

    2. Person223 is right. It’s in your diet. Check out Bigger Leaner Stronger or Thinner Leaner Stronger (gal version). I got so much stronger and lost 50.

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