Kind bud: Marijuana makes people nicer, more agreeable and empathetic

ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. — Marijuana could be the key to kindness for all the curmudgeons out there. Scientists report that smoking cannabis makes people nicer, more empathetic, and even-tempered.

The study by researchers at the University of New Mexico finds that people who recently used marijuana had higher levels of empathy than non-users and made decisions based on a sense of fairness and desire to avoid harm to others. The drug may shift people away from thinking they always come first towards a sense of selflessness and responsibility towards other people.

Men who smoke marijuana were also found to have more agreeable personalities. Researchers say that those who used cannabis products more recently were notably nicer than people who had taken it less recently.

So are people who don’t consume cannabis doomed to a life of crankiness? Not quite. The study shows that people who did not use the drug were not found to be any angrier, more hostile or less trusting of others than cannabis users. They also did not score differently on measurements of extraversion, emotional stability, conscientiousness, openness or moral decision-making based on respecting authority and preserving purity, and they did not respond differently to facial threats.

“The transience of the effects supports that cannabis is triggering behavioral and perceptual changes rather than that cannabis users and non-user differ fundamentally in their baseline approaches to social interactions,” explains co-author Sarah Stith, an associate professor with the UNM Department of Economics, in a statement.

For the study, researchers studied the personalities of healthy university students. They measured their marijuana intake by examining the amount of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) in their urine.

The study is one of the first to show that marijuana use among healthy young adults makes them nicer. Earlier research has focused on the negative effects of the drug on addicts and its effects on users’ physical health.

“Almost no formal scientific attention has been devoted to understanding other psychological and behavioral effects of consuming the plant, despite it being so widely used throughout human history,” notes lead investigator Jacob Miguel Vigil, an assistant professor from the UNM Department of Psychology. “I often refer to the cannabis plant as a super medication, relative to most other conventional pharmaceutical products, because it is not only effective for treating the symptoms of a wide range of health conditions, quickly and relatively safely, but now we have concrete evidence that it may also help improve the average person’s psychosocial health.

“Prosociality is essential to society’s overall cohesiveness and vitality, and therefore, cannabis’ effects on our interpersonal interactions may eventually prove to be even more important to societal wellbeing than its medicinal effects,” he adds.

The findings are published in the journal Scientific Reports.

South West News Service writer Gwyn Wright contributed to this report.


  1. This is a subjective “conclusion” via a Psychology and Economic Department, performed by Assistant and Associate Professor.
    There is no science ,imo.
    Did they start with conclusion ,based on their use ?

  2. This article is pure nonsense. As much as marijuana users want to glorify this substance, there is no denying scientific evidence that proves depleted brain function and increase negative psychological/interpersonal effects.

  3. Regardless who or where you are. Everyone is so important. Future generations.

    Do we want this study for our children?!

    Autism, regardless is not humbled automatically. But, I always see beauty gained DESPITE the circumstance.

    So please hint, it’s just VARIABLE study.
    They differ from eachother.

    Example if I studied cannabis again we may draw different conclusions.

    People in countries vary and so their socioeconomic and therefore social behavior.

    Studies may determines angered situations having all other mechanisms removed.

    Individuals are sometimes extremely too hard given brains are always different.

    Bless your beauty and your practice inside.

  4. Regardless who or where you are. Everyone is so important. Future generations.

    Do we want this study for our children?!

    Autism, regardless is not humbled automatically. But, I always see beauty gained DESPITE the circumstance.

    So please hint, it’s just VARIABLE study.
    They differ from eachother.

    Example if I studied cannabis again we may draw different conclusions.

    People in countries vary and so their socioeconomic and therefore social behavior.

    Studies may determines angered situations having all other mechanisms removed.

    Individuals are sometimes extremely too hard given brains are always different.

    Bless your beauty and your practice inside.

    CDC is informing people
    (Marijuana and public health)

    Adverse effects on short-term memory & learning impairment.

    Some autism has personality attributes that are told “known as character.” Changing sure understandable.
    (See autism Pamphlet 2p16.3 NRXN1; “some are “charming” others in others do say can be aggressive””

    This determines variable studies. And different effects on different people. For example, when I’m hurt, I may have to be a calmer attitude and nicer around others. This is of no shame to a single soul.

    Everyone is so loved and so special.
    I mean important and an inspirational strength. I see disabilities in hurt people from deformities. What honorable personality. Do I think their incredible people. Definitely are.
    See SBSK if you can ha dle witness of teratogenic chemicals which we caused.

    Tetragenics and mris commonly harm birth deformities. We see 400 animals versus like 12 million people in some early years.

    >>This means chernobyle and man made.<< "Further, let's determine whether acetaminophen "may" cause autism (study). Marijuana is amongst those that can cause BIRTH disorders.

    (The attitude, perception, and humblimg calmed me)
    The studies also show.
    Cannabis can cause paranoia/anxiety and brain damage.

    Test this,
    Your in an argument, sleepy, less quick witted, and anxious that if you go too far; they may hurt you.

    I'm outnumbered, tired, outgunned, less able.
    I might say, chill and let's not fight.

    You all being beautiful on the inside.
    Because you have that in you.
    Your heart what's inside you all.

    It still should be the strongest weapon, and certainly, some are without their own causes. But some have caused their own loss. This is humbling. Humbling kindens the soul.

    So we ask
    Was this the "chemical"
    Was this the defense mechanism.

    It also bears a social stima.
    Smoke some pot.
    So they say

    Let's chill home.
    Like beer. Beer creates a buzz.
    Tranquilizers also sleep you.

    So if we smoke and even believe something sugestable. Aren't we just suggesting we chill because pot.
    What if we tried pavlov.
    Let's just chill now

    Seroquel was a tranquilizer..
    A sleep drug. Used in mental hospitals as another example.

    Last, Marijuana exists on GODs green earth. Sure, but just as beer. Do we drink beer to be kind because it soothsayer us to bed at night? No, brawling fights OD and brain damage.

    Use it or lose it neuroP.
    Yes, you learn math, you gain how 2.
    You smoke weed. I was nicer. I'm without practice. I learned how to appreciate someone because of weed?

    In small quantities, I can see how it could be meant to be. It exists it has a use. I think traumatic stress.

    -Exhausted, I'm less keen to argue.
    -I'm more keen to obey smarter people.
    -Let's chill. We will chill.
    -its brain damaging. Like beer calms us. This, however, doesn't damage a particular area that's more used to this calming effect. See antidepressants modify frontal lobe connections. MDRS scores of long term use.
    -Study shows practicing things use it or lose it. NeuroP. We can use a skill.

    Mechanisms are several.
    We can test what means if it's use suggest this?!

    Smoking doesn't practice the skill.

    I'll be honest let's not smoke pot to make us kinder?!

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