‘Good’ cholesterol just a myth? Higher levels do not lower heart disease risk

BETHESDA, Md. — There may be no such thing as “good” cholesterol after all, according to researchers with the National Institutes of Health.

Their study found that the “healthy” blood fats do not protect against cardiovascular disease and can even increase the risk. Known medically as high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol, the team adds these levels may not be an effective screening tool for patients at risk of heart disease.

Low levels displayed a link to heart attacks in Caucasians but did not increase the risk among their Black peers. Meanwhile, high amounts did not benefit either group. The findings are based on a review of almost 24,000 adults across the U.S.

“The goal was to understand this long-established link that labels HDL as the beneficial cholesterol, and if that’s true for all ethnicities,” says senior author Nathalie Pamir, Ph.D., an associate professor of medicine within the Knight Cardiovascular Institute at Oregon Health & Science University, in a media release. “It’s been well accepted that low HDL cholesterol levels are detrimental, regardless of race. Our research tested those assumptions.”

The study adds to evidence that cholesterol can become abnormal and lead to blocked blood vessels. A bloodstream tussle takes place between “bad” or LDL (low density lipoprotein) cholesterol — which dumps fat in the arteries — and “good” cholesterol that sweeps it away.

However, evidence is growing that more of the latter is not always better. The latest results may help find new ways to protect the heart. Eating olive oil, fish, and nuts raises levels of HDL cholesterol. It is one of the things doctors test for when predicting your risk for a future heart attack. Repeated trials that raise HDL with drugs have flopped, however, leading doctors to think something else is going on.

‘Bad’ cholesterol still increases heart disease risk slightly

The U.S. team reviewed data from 23,901 participants in the REGARDS (Reasons for Geographic and Racial Differences in Stroke) study. Previous research that shaped perceptions about “good” cholesterol levels and heart health in the 1970s included mostly white adults.

So, Prof. Pamir and colleagues looked at how cholesterol levels from heart disease-free middle-aged adults overlapped with future cardiovascular events. They enrolled between 2003 to 2007, with researchers analyzing information collected over more than a decade.

Those with increased “bad” cholesterol and harmful blood fats called triglycerides had modestly increased risks for cardiovascular disease. However, this study is the first to find lower HDL cholesterol levels only predicted increased cardiovascular disease risk among white adults.

It also provides new insight into other studies which have found high “good” cholesterol levels are not always associated with reduced cardiovascular events. The analysis was the largest to indicate this was true for both Black and white individuals, suggesting higher than optimal amounts may not provide benefits.

“What I hope this type of research establishes is the need to revisit the risk-predicting algorithm for cardiovascular disease,” Pamir says. “It could mean that in the future we don’t get a pat on the back by our doctors for having higher HDL cholesterol levels.”

Could ‘high-quality’ cholesterol be the answer?

As researchers study HDL cholesterol’s role in supporting heart health, they are exploring different theories. One is quality over quantity. That is, instead of having more HDL cholesterol, the quality of its function in picking up and transporting excess cholesterol may be more important.

They are also taking a microscopic look at its properties, including analyzing hundreds of proteins linked with transporting cholesterol. Varying associations, based on one or more, may improve cardiovascular health predictions.

“HDL cholesterol has long been an enigmatic risk factor for cardiovascular disease,” explains Sean Coady, a deputy branch chief of epidemiology within the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI)’s Division of Cardiovascular Sciences. “The findings suggest that a deeper dive into the epidemiology of lipid metabolism is warranted, especially in terms of how race may modify or mediate these relationships.”

Cardiovascular disease is the world’s biggest killer, claiming around 18 million lives a year. Risk calculators using HDL cholesterol could lead to inaccurate predictions for black adults.

“When it comes to risk factors for heart disease, they cannot be limited to one race or ethnicity,” Pamir concludes. “They need to apply to everyone.”

Participants shared similar characteristics such as age, cholesterol levels, and underlying risk factors for heart disease like diabetes, high blood pressure, or a history of smoking. During the study period, 1,615 experienced a heart attack, some of whom died.

The findings appear in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology.

South West News Service writer Mark Waghorn contributed to this report.

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  1. It would be valuable to get more than a single obscure source before making profound health claims. I know you are trying to get clicks but this along with many other EPOC Times medical articles are short on the strength of their references.

  2. There are different subclasses of HDL. It is likely beneficial if one subclass dominates or the ratio of subclass is at place. Likely the medication induced HDL has a different subclass composite versus one achieved through diet and exercise. Further research is needed at molecular level and any links between components.

  3. Blaming all the cardiovascular issues post covid “vaccine” on “anything but vax” is simply moronic. Wake up and SEE the damage that has been and is continuing to be done…
    The evidence is out there and plain to see if one will but LOOK…

    1. What is moronic is making statements based on belief we without evidence. You imply COVID vaccines cause heart disease yet provide no causative evidence or even associative evidence. Actual numbers of more people who were vaccinated getting more heart attacks. Of course there’s none except in your paranoid brain. Because even non medical professionals understand heart happens over many years with one’s own genetics, lifestyle and diet the reason why someone gets a heat attack.

      1. Wrong Morticians are see clogging issues when embalming people. Its linked to RNA vaccines in some people. Its new issue since the vaccine has been out. go to youtube and you will see alot of morticians what the hell is going on.

  4. With all due respect, I am going to check back tomorrow to see if the world of medicine has made any changes overnight.

  5. Green leafy vegetables & fruits that contain healthy nitrates eaten daily will naturally remove soft plaque cholesterol from the lining of the vascular system. After eating these, take a small portion of balsomic vinegar diluted with water. This combination encouages the cleaning more.

    Stop eating oils which stick to blood vessel walls.

  6. What is dumb is offering expressions in view of conviction we without proof. You infer Coronavirus immunizations cause coronary illness yet give no causative proof or even affiliated proof. Real quantities of additional individuals who were immunized getting more cardiovascular failures. Obviously there’s none besides in your jumpy mind. Since even non clinical experts comprehend heart occurs over numerous years with one’s own hereditary qualities, way of life and diet the motivation behind why somebody gets an intensity assault.

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