Man after sleepless night

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NEW YORK — Getting more sleep may be better than having extra money in the bank when it comes to increasing happiness. A new survey of 2,000 adults reveals that 40 percent of those who are “very happy” with their lives are more likely to get “excellent” sleep.

Although 72 percent of all respondents feel present in their everyday lives, one in five say the opposite (18%), feeling that way an average of three days per week. Lack of quality sleep (45%) was the main reason, followed by stress (43%), lack of exercise or motivation (38%), lack of social life (34%), and burnout from their home lives (33%).

To increase their happiness, people believe they need to feel less stressed (45%) and more rested (43%) – although spending more time with their kids (38%) or getting a raise or promotion at work (36%) could also make them happier, too.

The research, conducted by Natrol and OnePoll, reports that the average person experiences 10 sleepless nights per month. That may explain why 71 percent of all those surveyed feel like superheroes who can take on the world when they do sleep through the night. Another 40 say they’re more likely to eat healthier and go to the gym (35%).

Almost four in five of all respondents are more likely to be more intimate with their partners (38%), prepare a home-cooked meal (37%), and spend more time with their kids (35%) with good sleep. On the other hand, 56 percent worry that their own lousy sleep could negatively affect their partner’s sleep.

“Living in the present can be hard because it means we have to put our worries about the past and future aside. Without a good night’s sleep, our concentration and productivity are impacted, causing us to worry and stress even more,” says Hanan Wajih, chief marketing officer at Vytalogy Wellness, in a statement. “But when you get consistent and better sleep, you wake up feeling revitalized and focused on the here and now, allowing you to give your full attention to being present in the moment.”

good sleep

What does it take to sleep well?

Respondents also shared their must-haves for good sleep, which included having comfy pillows (50%), setting the ideal room temperature (49%), and having their electronics off an hour before bed (34%). Nearly a third prefer reading a book and listening to music or podcasts (both 30%) before they hit the sack. For a quarter of respondents, melatonin is essential for quality sleep (25%).

Overall, almost six in 10 say they’re determined not to let bad sleep get in the way of living their lives (58%).

“For many people, cracking the code to a good night’s sleep has been impossible due to the multitasking and busy lifestyles we have grown accustomed to,” continues Wajih. “However, getting consistent and better sleep doesn’t have to be impossible. Focusing on your mental and physical well-being is essential to a good night’s sleep. Allowing you to align your body’s movement with your thoughts to fall asleep faster, stay asleep longer and wake up with a clearer, calmer mind.”

good sleep

Survey methodology:

This random double-opt-in survey of 2,000 general population Americans was commissioned by Natrol between October 27 and October 28, 2022. It was conducted by market research company OnePoll, whose team members are members of the Market Research Society and have corporate membership to the American Association for Public Opinion Research (AAPOR) and the European Society for Opinion and Marketing Research (ESOMAR).

About Chris Melore

Chris Melore has been a writer, researcher, editor, and producer in the New York-area since 2006. He won a local Emmy award for his work in sports television in 2011.

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  1. MrBlue says:

    Stupid article. Just lies and says most people skip a night of sleep every 3 days….. Just plain dumb.

  2. drkodos says:

    Pure bullshit

  3. Robert says:

    I’d LOVE that to be the case. Guess I have been above average for the last 35 years or so…

  4. Sage says:

    Probably should talk to me! I get betwee 8 and 11 hours of sleep EVERY night.

  5. Mountain Man says:

    Put the phone down. Take a daily walk in nature. Eat real food. Find your purpose and work hard.

    1. Tim Parker says:

      Most importantly, have a clear conscience.

      1. Derf says:

        I sleep the sleep of the just, but I know lots of people who dont; not surprisingly, a large number of those people are addicted to tv and social media bull crap but, that doesn’t make their torment any less real.

  6. Michael Garger says:

    This is just a great example of all these “studies” being absolute garbage. First, if someone gets 1 or 2 sleepless nights in a month they have a problem. 1o is a serious medical issue. The only people who don’t sleep 10 times in a month have a meth problem. I am stunned that both the educated folks running the study as well as the writer of the article ignore reality to publish such trash. Don’t get me wrong, I am sure some folks do not get a great night’s sleep because of stress but that is completely differetn than a sleepless night.

  7. edward sullivan says:

    This is complete hogwash.
    Total fiction.
    Stop doing this.
    People need more reality. Not crap being made up for clicks.

  8. Tim Parker says:

    Not me… I sleep like a baby… I wake up every two hours screaming, hungry & I just soiled myself.

  9. Derf says:

    I sleep the sleep of the just, but I know lots of people who dont; not surprisingly, a large number of those people are addicted to tv and social media bull crap but, that doesn’t make their torment any less real.

  10. Dale Miller, JD says:

    Over the past 20 years our daily users of our 3M Chin-Up Strips, FDA reviewed and cleared, significantly improve their sleep quality by maintaining primary nasal breathing thereby increasing delta and rem sleep by stopping open mouth snoring and dry mouth issues and nasal congestion issues that disrupt the normal sleep pattern.

  11. John says:

    Chiming in to call out a total BS article, not an actual study. Pure fiction

  12. Oliver Clozoff says:

    Only 10 nights a month? Those lucky bastards.