Survey: 1 in 5 adults can’t change a lightbulb, boil an egg

LONDON — Are you handy enough that if a lightbulb went out in your home you’d be able to change it? Believe it or not, one in five people aren’t so skilled. In fact, a new survey of people in the United Kingdom finds not only do about 20 percent of people not know how to change a bulb — the same number aren’t sure how to boil an egg, either.

The British insurance company Aviva recently released their annual Home Report which detailed, among numerous findings about how people do work around the house, relatively common tasks that people encounter. The company surveyed 2004 people across the UK in February and March about their habits and roles at home.

A stunning new survey from the United Kingdom found that one in five people did not know how to change a lightbulb or boil an egg.

In addition to just one in five not being able to change a lightbulb or boil an egg, the survey found that nearly a third of the participants couldn’t cook any meal on the fly. And if someone were to spill a portion of their meal on their clothes or on the floor, only 59 percent would know how to get rid of the resulting stain.

Only 37 percent could change a flat tire.

The findings were even surprising to the folks behind the study.

“As a nation we tend to take pride in our ability to do things ourselves in and around the home, so it’s a surprise to see there could be a skills gap in places,” says Aviva Propositions Director Adam Beckett in a press release. “That said, we also know that people lead busy lives, so while we enjoy doing things ourselves, we also appreciate the opportunity to leave things to a professional from time to time, particularly with some of the more challenging jobs.”

Interestingly, while 50 percent of those surveyed said they learned how to do a home task on their by trial and error, plenty of people are turning to the internet for help, especially millennials. The study found four in 10 people aged 25 and under prefer learning do-it-yourself chores online. That’s more than twice the number in the age group who turn to an actual book for help.

Here’s a look at the polled tasks and the number of people who indicated they could successfully complete them:


 Task Percentage who feel confident doing this task
Boil an egg 81%
Change a light bulb 79%
Cook a complete meal without using a recipe 69%
Read a map 66%
Sew on a button 65%
Unblock a sink 62%
Remove a stain from a carpet or clothing 59%
Change a baby’s nappy  57%
Wire a plug 57%
‘Bleed’ a radiator 53%
Check oil levels in a car 53%
Put up a shelf 47%
Put up wallpaper 39%
Change a flat tire  37%
Change a washer on a tap  30%
Fit tiles 22%

Click here to read the entire report, which broke down the findings by age groups and revealed many other interesting results.


  1. When you change a tyre do you have to use your left hand to use the lug wrench? I guess they probably didn’t ask American’s this question, so British people should probably know how to change a tyre.

  2. Which Democrat was it who wrote, “It Takes a Village [to change a light bulb]?”

      1. I think Hillary’s book was “it takes a village to make an idiot”

  3. that’s great! More job opportunities for my 3 kids (15, 13, 11) who can replace toilets, clean pool filters & lay slate tile! That’s only house chores not career path! & these ppl wonder why Elites call them peasants & believe they must be governed

  4. So too many Brits are almost helpless in the face of modernity. This must be a result of the nanny state installed by leftist progressive politicians. It also appears to be mostly those reared in the last quarter of the 20th century. Seemingly this is also the group that will be the first to die when the big push into the climate hoax causes the basic electrical infrastructure to die a rather sudden thrashing horrible death when the sustainable energy sources prove to be highly unreliable. One big massive CME can knock out the grids in the northern and southern climes where the magnetic poles do not redirect the ejected ionic materials so well. Both CME and EMP threats are arrogantly ignored by governments heavily involved in controlling the daily lives of their citizens and not so much so the basic jobs that only governance can do. If governance stayed with the tasks only governance can do and left the rest up to their citizens and the private economy these kinds of problems would not exist, and our infrastructure might then be protected from very real viable threats.

    1. I believe all the “predictive programming” about an EMP attack is being foisted on us because that is the elites plan……

      several major cities have lost power for a while recently. They were probably tests to see what tptb need to do and what effects it would have.

      North Korea will probably be the country they will blame it on.

      That’s why I believe has predicted such a huge population loss for America in 2024….

      1. …When I was working as an electronics engineer for the US Navy, I did a lot of work on EMP weapons both big and small, and even the small ones can do a lot of damage very quickly, very superstitiously, and very easily… A nuclear weapon air burst is the biggest EMP weapon and that is a very likely attack by terrorists now that there so many nuclear warheads unaccounted for since the fall of the USSR…. then there is Jong Un sitting on a small nuclear arsenal working on a delivery system that can hit the USA mainland… they can already take out Hawaii…

      2. I have a degree in physics and worked on semiconductor equipment in clean rooms for Texas Instruments. This makes me very aware of how vulnerable our current society is to a loss of power and the destruction of all the fine circuitry. The U.S. would be dead in the water for a long time after such an attack.

      3. I recommend a very well researched book about the social and survival challenges that could very possibly be faced should an EMP attack happen to the USA: “One Second After”. The sociology and survivalism are spot on. I was one of many caught up in a remote natural disaster many years ago and we got no help of any kind for 8 months. What we went through was very much like the book. All of the generalized events happened in the order they happen in the book.

  5. Be respectful of the Brits, they stood alone against Hitler that is why we are having this conversation in English rather than German. Plus most of what we know in the U.S. we learned from the Britts. Jefferson, Addams, Washington, Franklin were ALL Britts.

    1. Washington was born in Virginia. John Adams was born in Massachusetts, Ben Franklin was also born in Massachusetts.

      1. Washington was in the British Army. The others were of British extract. P.S. I am not British.

    2. Sorry no. But among many things we did learn for ourselves was NOT to worship so-called royalty.

      1. Aw come on… The Kennedy s weren’t American Royalty? The Clintons didnt try? Obama wasn’t almost an American deity there for a while? No, we didnt learn that at all. FDR I mean how many times was he elected? Its essentially the same thing.

    3. I’d rather be speaking German than have to press 1 for English. I’d rather be speaking German than be surrounded by people who speak Spanish.

      1. The jews who run Hollywood and CNN and BBC claim Hitler was evil. Turn the TV off and do some research. Hitler did nothing wrong.

      2. The winners of wars write our history books.

        And real historical tragedies, like the Russian gulags, where at least 40 million people were killed aren’t made into movies. Because we both know who runs Hollywood and we both know who was behind the Bolshevik revolution and communism in the Soviet union/Russia.

      3. Made them too independ thinking…..which is a good thing in our world of propaganda and group think.

      4. You have the internet now, do some research about WWII. Jews won that war, Whites lost. Our government, universities and MSM are anti-White.

      5. He threw the bankers out ….that’s what got the world to stand against him. He actually won “Man of the Year” twice in Time magazine. Most people never knew this and many won’t even believe it.

    4. The Russians are the main reason Hitler lost. True students of history know this.

  6. Yet, these inept people make decisions at work, that effect peoples lives daily. I’m glad I’m white.

  7. I know a guy who put bits of charcoal into the pot of water his girlfriend had boiling on the stove. He told her she had burned it. Which she believed. She became a feminazi.

  8. Studies also show that 92% of liberals under the age of 27 believe food grows in the refrigerator.

    1. Want to see a liberal melt down? Tell them Filet Mignon, Prawns, lamb and other such proteins come for killed animals. When they preach the vegan lifestyle, tell them plants are living to so no matter how you cut it, things have to die to keep a human alive. Sure picking fruit doesn’t necessarily kill the plant (turning potatoes does as does many others), just like ripping off you thumb won’t kill you, but the fruit is living when it’s picked.

    2. And that internet, electricity and all beneficial utilities are free, as they still live at home under their parents roof that pay for the free stuff they get.

  9. 1 in 5 Adults are actually Leftist Liberal Adult-Children… they can barely mewl for their binkey in their Safe-Spaces.

  10. Affirmative action education. Give them a B and a participation diploma they can’t read to get rid of them because expecting anything from them is racism or abuse. With these recent power outages, I would be surprised if they knew how to use the stairs.

  11. I knew how to do all these things and more before I entered high school. I made sure my son and daughter could do all these and many more before they were out of high school. Some of those additional things are build a fire, build a simple shelter, hunt for food (animal and vegetable) shoot a gun, fish with simple equipment including how to make a hook and bait it and etc.
    The fact is, when people needed things done, even simple things, our family was the one who got asked. When we moved, we kept our skills to ourselves. There comes a time to either swim … or sink. The sinkers are many and they deserve their fates.

    1. My youngest daughter (an MD) repaired her washing machine in med school. I lived about 5 hours away. She also changed flat tires. Her quote, ( I hate to pay for something I can do myself). Other daughter is a forensic toxicologist. She has a little more trouble changing lightbulbs as she is only 5 ft tall.

  12. bet they know every goverment reg poge option on offer. bet they can recite jailhouse lawyer crap in their sleep. bet they vote socialist labour rules chapter and verse. bet they coddled by every wanna be churchill until after the election.

  13. But I bet the ones that cab’t boil an egg know how to go to their “safe spaces”,

  14. And 100% of those who can’t change a lightbulb watch CNN for their daily news source.

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