Dr. Fauci is sharing his new nightmare about ‘next inevitable pandemic’

WASHINGTON — Dr. Anthony Fauci became a household name during the COVID-19 pandemic. Tens of millions of Americans turned to the former director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases at the National Institutes of Health for guidance on how to stay safe. Even though Dr. Fauci helped steer the United States’ response during the coronavirus nightmare, the good doctor claims there’s something new that’s keeping him up at night.

In a recent article published in Science Translational Medicine, Dr. Fauci, who served as NIAID director for nearly four decades, reflected on the challenges faced during the COVID-19 crisis and offered more guidance on better preparing for future pandemics. He began by recounting a pivotal moment in January 2020 when the emergence of a virus he had long feared led to a global pandemic.

Addressing what he terms a new “nemesis” – the lack of “corporate memory” – Dr. Fauci highlights the importance of preserving the lessons from COVID-19 to ensure readiness for future outbreaks.

He categorizes these lessons into two “buckets”: the public health bucket and the scientific bucket.

“If there is a success story embedded in the COVID-19 saga, it is in the arena of basic, translational, and clinical science— the scientific bucket,” writes Dr. Fauci in a media release.

He attributes this success to decades of investment in basic research, acknowledging the groundbreaking discoveries of Dr. Drew Weissman and Dr. Katalin Kariko, whose work laid the foundation for the development of highly effective mRNA vaccines against COVID-19. Both scientists were awarded the 2023 Nobel Prize in Medicine or Physiology for their contributions.

Coronavirus / COVID-19 vaccine
(© myskin – stock.adobe.com)

In the realm of scientific research, Dr. Fauci also outlines a potential path forward involving prototype pathogen research to enhance preparedness for future threats.

However, he also candidly addresses the shortcomings in the public health response during the pandemic. These failures, Dr. Fauci asserts, belong in the “public health bucket.” Key challenges highlighted include institutional weaknesses, insufficient coordination between state and federal governments, supply chain disruptions, and the proliferation of misinformation and disinformation.

As he concludes his reflections, Dr. Fauci underscores the critical importance of retaining the “corporate memory” of COVID-19 to drive sustained interest and support for both scientific advancements and public health measures.

“Fundamental to all this discussion is my comment above regarding the next inevitable pandemic, whenever that occurs,” says Dr. Fauci. “Over and over, after time has passed from the appearance of an acute public health challenge, and after cases, hospitalizations, and deaths fall to an ‘acceptable’ level … the transition from being reactive to the dwindling challenge to being durably and consistently prepared for the next challenge seems to fall flat. Hopefully, corporate memory of COVID-19 will endure and trigger a sustained interest and support of both the scientific and public health buckets.”

“If not, many of us will be spending a lot of time awake in bed or having nightmares when asleep!”

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  1. I would like a study done to see if it’s possible for Fauci to stop creating headlines for himself and just go away. His back and forth during the Covid pandemic dropped his credibility to near zero, and he’s beginning to remind me of climate scientists that are dramatic alarmists, simply blathering on and on so to drag out their moment in the spotlight and acquire more research funds.

    1. Nobody is listening to him at this point except the deranged few still thinking last year’s invented crisis is still a real thing. Americans will not allow a threatened ballot-harvesting variant to disrupt our country.

    2. Look it was a new virus and not one person knew about what it did or what the long term effects were. Stop being so ignorant unless you’re a doctor who knows more about the strain of covid than Fauci.Sure he made mistakes but he did make corrections as the virus spread and more information was available

  2. Says the ‘expert’ who lied to us about masks….use them, don’t use, use them…the same guy who was seen in public venues not wearing same. The same guy who got covid and used Paxlovid twice….even though the average citizen is allowed one dose per FDA. The same guy who closed down most of the country…..throwing us into a major recession and made millions while doing ti.

    Yeah…he’s credible.

  3. Fauci is incapable to telling the truth. He should be in prison for the things he did and said both before and after the pandemic.

  4. “Lack of corporate funds”? This guy needs to go away, enjoy his millions…..obviously has no clue how hated he is, a classic narcissist.

  5. It should be keeping him up at night, since he basically caused the pandemic with the funding of the Wuhan Institute and gain of function research. Just go away already.

  6. Fauci should be in prison and all assets confiscated, along with Gates, to distribute to victims of his last planned crisis.

  7. Anyone listening to Dr Fauci at this point has a serious lack of discernment and should lose all credibility. One word comes to mind…. AGENDA

    1. Look at you, parroting slogans like a good little drone. Enjoy life as a vector, idiot.

  8. The only thing that the vaccines were “highly effective” in doing was to raise money for already-rich pharma corporations, while also shielding them from lawsuits related to the harm of their products. These are all longstanding buddies with Fauci, and he helped to make sure they got their payday. No crisis should go to waste when there’s money to be made. This unholy union of government, media, and pharma — all using fear to motivate — is one that the American public should never allow to happen again.

  9. Please go away Fauci, you are a lied and made money on the screwups you approved in China AA Labs ….. you should be in jail.


  11. Fauci is a mass murderer who should be brought to justice. See the book “The Real Anthony Fauci” for the decades-long record of mass murder that this evil little egomaniac has perpetrated.

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