Revolutionary hair-thin fabric brings peace and quiet by absorbing noise

CAMBRIDGE, Mass. — From the hum of traffic to the chatter of open-plan offices, unwanted noise is an everyday part of modern life. But what if the solution to this acoustic onslaught was hanging in your closet? A new study published in Advanced Materials suggests that a silk fabric can be transformed into powerful tools for sound control when embedded with a special fiber.

To understand the significance of this discovery, let’s start with a quick primer on noise pollution. The World Health Organization considers excess noise to be a serious public health issue, with chronic exposure linked to everything from sleep disturbance to heart problems. In the U.S. alone, an estimated 145 million people are subjected to hazardous noise levels on a regular basis. While there are existing methods for blocking out unwanted sound, from sound-absorbing foams to active noise-canceling headphones, they often come with limitations in terms of effectiveness, bulk, or cost.

Enter the humble fabric. The research team, led by MIT’s Professor Yoel Fink and Grace (Noel) Yang, began by investigating whether traditional woven fabrics could be engineered to broadcast sound. They did this by securing a single strand of a specially designed “piezoelectric” fiber onto the surface of various fabrics, including silk, muslin, and canvas. Piezoelectric materials have the unique ability to convert mechanical energy into electrical energy and vice versa. In this case, when an alternating voltage is applied to the fiber, it vibrates, setting the fabric in motion and generating sound waves.

The results were striking. When fixed onto a circular frame, a silk fabric just 130 microns thick (for reference, a human hair is about 70 microns in diameter) was able to emit sound up to 70 decibels – around the volume of a normal conversation.

Despite the complex microstructure of the fabric, the vibration patterns were reminiscent of those seen in classical thin plates, a finding confirmed by computer simulations. The researchers also found that the fabric’s acoustic performance was influenced by factors such as its mechanical properties and the size of its pores relative to the “viscous boundary layer” of air that clings to its surface.

However, the team didn’t stop at making fabrics sing. They also explored two distinct mechanisms by which their “fabric speaker” could be used to silence unwanted noise. The first involved the principle of destructive interference – essentially using the fabric to emit sound waves that are the exact opposite of the offending noise, causing the two to cancel each other out. This is similar to the approach used in active noise-canceling headphones but scaled up to work in larger spaces. In tests, the silk fabric was able to reduce incoming sound by up to 37 decibels using this method.

The fabric can suppress sound by generating sound waves that interfere with an unwanted noise to cancel it out (as seen in figure C) or by being held still to suppress vibrations that are key to the transmission of sound (as seen in figure D).
The fabric can suppress sound by generating sound waves that interfere with an unwanted noise to cancel it out (as seen in figure C) or by being held still to suppress vibrations that are key to the transmission of sound (as seen in figure D). (Courtesy of Yoel Fink and Grace (Noel) Yang)

The second noise-suppression mechanism was more subtle but potentially more powerful. Much of the sound that we perceive in enclosed spaces is actually transmitted through the vibration of solid structures, like walls or windows. The researchers found that by using the piezoelectric fiber to strategically vibrate the fabric, they could effectively “pacify” these structural vibrations, preventing the sound from propagating. Remarkably, this technique was able to reduce the amplitude of vibration waves on the fabric’s surface by up to 95 percent, translating to a 75-percent reduction in transmitted sound. That’ll take care of anyone’s noisy neighbors!

What’s particularly exciting about this vibration-mediated approach is that, unlike destructive interference, which only works in a localized area, it could, in principle, reduce noise throughout an entire enclosed space. The researchers also showed that it allows the acoustic reflectivity of the fabric to be dynamically tuned, potentially opening up new possibilities for adaptive acoustic environments.

Of course, there’s still work to be done to translate these laboratory findings into real-world applications. The current setup relies on a single piezoelectric fiber and works best for single-frequency sounds. To tackle more complex noise profiles, the researchers envision systems with multiple fibers and fabrics of various sizes and orientations coupled with sophisticated signal processing algorithms. There are also questions about the durability and washability of the piezoelectric fibers that would need to be addressed for consumer use.

However, the potential implications are vast. Imagine noise-canceling curtains in a bustling city apartment or sound-absorbing upholstery in a reverberant restaurant. In the transportation sector, where excess noise is a pervasive issue, these fabrics could be used for everything from quieter car interiors to less disruptive aircraft cabins. Given the thinness and flexibility of the materials involved, they could offer significant advantages over traditional sound-proofing in terms of weight and space savings.

Perhaps most tantalizing is the possibility of truly adaptive acoustic environments that can be tuned in real-time to suit different needs – a bedroom that can switch from pin-drop silence for sleeping to a more reverberant setting for listening to music, for example. In a world that’s only getting noisier, that sort of bespoke soundscape could be a real luxury.

“Noise is a lot easier to create than quiet. In fact, to keep noise out we dedicate a lot of space to thick walls. [First author] Grace’s work provides a new mechanism for creating quiet spaces with a thin sheet of fabric,” says Fink, a professor in the departments of Materials Science and Engineering and Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, in a university release.

So, the next time you’re picking out a new set of curtains, consider: are you just dressing your windows, or are you bringing more peace and quiet to your personal space? If this research is any indication, the fabrics of the future might just let you do both.