Nearly quarter of undocumented immigrants have mental disorder, study finds

HOUSTON — Undocumented Mexican immigrants living near the California-Mexico border experience increased rates of clinical depression and anxiety, a new study finds.

Researchers at Rice University examined the incidence of mental illnesses and substance abuse among 250 individuals within this stressed population, finding that 23 percent met the DSM’s criteria for having a mental disorder.

Depressed women
A new study finds that nearly a quarter of undocumented immigrants are battling depression, anxiety, or another mental disorder.

Fourteen percent of the study’s participants were found to have major depressive disorder (MDD), while eight and seven percent had panic or generalized anxiety disorders, respectively.

Some were determined to have suffered from multiple conditions concurrently.

“The estimates obtained in this study for depression and anxiety disorders were considerably higher in this population when compared with estimates for the general U.S. population,” says lead author Luz Garcini in a university news release.

Namely, one major study shows that seven percent of Americans suffer from MDD, while three percent suffer from a panic or anxiety-related disorder.

These findings came despite the related finding that aliens residing in the U.S. did not demonstrate increased levels of substance abuse.

“This finding defies existing stereotypes that contribute to stigmatization of and discrimination against Mexican immigrants living in the U.S. without documentation as a population with high prevalence of substance use,” Garcini explains. “These individuals are unlikely to engage in substance use because it increases their risk for deportation and it interferes with their productivity at work.”

The researchers believe that a number of stressors, including stigmatization, language barriers, fear of deportation, family separation, and discrimination, are culprits for the deteriorated mental health of many migrants.

Compounding matters, undocumented individuals rarely have access to adequate mental health services, the researchers say.

“Additional research and funding are needed to document the devastating effects of the current socio-political context on the mental health of immigrants living in the U.S. without documentation, which is needed to inform advocacy, policy and intervention efforts,” Garcini concludes.

The study’s findings will be published in a future issue of the Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology.


  1. Credulity on parade. The DSM criteria for what constitutes a mental illness (and hence what allows the industry to milk insurance) are so ridiculously broad that any one of us qualities for one crazy or another. This is simply bad reporting in the service of an industry with a clear agenda and willing stooges in academia to cook up “research.”

    1. That is likely a correct diagnosis on your part but it does not change the fact the average illegal alien has a 3rd grade education at best and that second and third generation Mexican and Central American immigrants tend to have LESS education that the highest level attained by their parents! That is not a trend that is going to prove beneficial to the US or to US citizens.

  2. Sounds like Castro’s boat lift . Castro emptied jails and mental institutions, and sent them to America. Probably what other countries are doing to save money….

    1. IS that an extreme blow up of a liberals brain? They are so tiny and unused that I’m not sure that they really exist.

      1. Illegal aliens have depression because they know they are living outside the law: it’s called GUILT. Solution: Pack up and relocate to the country of your citizenship. Consider your free education, meals, and welfare from the United States taxpayer our gift to you as you use your knowledge and skills to improve your home country. AMERICA IS ABOUT TO SHUT THE DOOR ON ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION AND SIGNIFICANTLY REDUCE LEGAL IMMIGRATION, SO IT’S BETTER TO MAKE TRAVEL PLANS NOW!

      2. They used those tools that can write the bible on the head of a pin to label the various defective parts.

      1. “The researchers believe that a number of
        stressors [sic], including stigmatization, language barriers, fear of
        deportation, family separation, and discrimination, are culprits for the
        deteriorated mental health of many [undocumented] migrants.”

        They return to their home country and the stress is no longer there. We support and encourage legal immigration, but illegal immigration is a crime and punishable under our laws.

      2. Let’s just sum it up, OK – every day they are lawbreakers. That would make anyone have a mental disorder.

      3. And I would say PC culture, fear of common sense, mother separation, self-loathing and hate for diverse opinions are culprits in the deteriorating mental health of Democrats and Liberals.

    2. We need to stop talking about comprehensive immigration reform and start talking about comprehensive EMIGRATION reform.

    3. that’s racist. or homophobic. or both.. or something, who knows what they will call you for even THINKING that common sense schnit.

  3. Only a quarter of them? That’s fantastic! Home grown liberals tend to be 100%, or darn close. Talk about making progress!


  5. Even with that they are mentally more healthy than liberals…100% of them have a mental disorder.

  6. Witch Doctor just instructed villagers to purchase more defensive handguns…

    Bones never lie.

  7. Only 25%?? I won’t be satisfied until the pressure from ICE gives 100% of these CRIMINALS (a word we all used to understand) the heebie-jeebies and they go home or to a maximum security prison with no privileges and 30 minutes a day outside their cells. This starts, by the way, with throwing a bunch of American corporate executives who hire them in prison, and throwing away the key.

  8. By the looks of the other “articles” referenced above this “” appears to be a liberal propaganda fake news site.

  9. Nearly a quarter of illegal aliens have mental disorder? How can this be? But the media and Democrats have told us they are all geniuses ready to find a cure for cancer if only given the opportunity after graduating from medical school Summa Cum Laude. I am shocked.

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