Nearly quarter of undocumented immigrants have mental disorder, study finds

HOUSTON — Undocumented Mexican immigrants living near the California-Mexico border experience increased rates of clinical depression and anxiety, a new study finds.

Researchers at Rice University examined the incidence of mental illnesses and substance abuse among 250 individuals within this stressed population, finding that 23 percent met the DSM’s criteria for having a mental disorder.

Depressed women
A new study finds that nearly a quarter of undocumented immigrants are battling depression, anxiety, or another mental disorder.

Fourteen percent of the study’s participants were found to have major depressive disorder (MDD), while eight and seven percent had panic or generalized anxiety disorders, respectively.

Some were determined to have suffered from multiple conditions concurrently.

“The estimates obtained in this study for depression and anxiety disorders were considerably higher in this population when compared with estimates for the general U.S. population,” says lead author Luz Garcini in a university news release.

Namely, one major study shows that seven percent of Americans suffer from MDD, while three percent suffer from a panic or anxiety-related disorder.

These findings came despite the related finding that aliens residing in the U.S. did not demonstrate increased levels of substance abuse.

“This finding defies existing stereotypes that contribute to stigmatization of and discrimination against Mexican immigrants living in the U.S. without documentation as a population with high prevalence of substance use,” Garcini explains. “These individuals are unlikely to engage in substance use because it increases their risk for deportation and it interferes with their productivity at work.”

The researchers believe that a number of stressors, including stigmatization, language barriers, fear of deportation, family separation, and discrimination, are culprits for the deteriorated mental health of many migrants.

Compounding matters, undocumented individuals rarely have access to adequate mental health services, the researchers say.

“Additional research and funding are needed to document the devastating effects of the current socio-political context on the mental health of immigrants living in the U.S. without documentation, which is needed to inform advocacy, policy and intervention efforts,” Garcini concludes.

The study’s findings will be published in a future issue of the Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology.


  1. I think a lot of criminals have anxiety about being caught, and it seems illegal aliens are no different.

  2. This completely explains why they have that stupid look like they are lost or don’t understand their environment. Let us not forget the immigrant smile for absolutely no reason.

  3. It’s amazing how breaking the law can make one depressed, paranoid, and anxious.

    I guess that’s because they are afraid of having to pay the consequences of their actions, which they committed knowing full well there could be consequences if they got caught. And, to add to it, they had the cruelty of either bringing their children along as they committed the crime, or had children afterward knowing full well that things could get very bad if they get caught.

    No sympathy from me. They brought it on themselves because of making their poor choices. The US should not be paying for any medical care, unless we can bill their native country for it.

  4. If I disregarded the laws of a foreign country and decided to enter and live there illegally I’m sure my stress levels would increase and cause me problems, too. On another note, why do we need information to inform advocacy groups and intervention? American tax payers should not be paying a penny for illegals to live well in our country. This is all beyond absurd now.

  5. They were stress free under Obama but when Trump took office they started freaking. “We luf Senor Obama, but Meester Trump ees baad man. He take away our foot staamps, our yobs and our voting rights. He make me stress when I demand my rights in the streets or to go collect my beneefeets.”

  6. Finally, the definitive link between liberals and illegal aliens. Mental Disorders. Now that could actually explain the inexplicable attraction..

  7. Nearly Quarter Of Undocumented Immigrants Have Mental Disorder—article

    The illegal thinks America owes them something; free food, clothing, shelter, education, medical care etc.

    The democrat reinforces that misconception with cradle to grave welfare benefits for the illegal and their families in exchange for that precious vote for a democrat at sometime in some future election; and they will get it.

    Arrest, deport, repeat.

  8. Build the damn wall ASAP and throw all these Illegal Invaders out of OUR country!!! That mooslim SOB caused much of this crap!!! It was the absolute worst POS to ever occupy the W/H!!!

  9. 25% have mental disorders, and 20% are criminals, and 25% carry diseases we and our families have no resistance too. So only 30% of these cockroaches are clean. Aint that just wonderfully PEACHY?

  10. Study also shows 100% of the drain on US resources could be cured by deportation.

    The next time you or your family can’t get proper medical attention because that money and time was wasted on an illegal. Thank a liberal.

  11. That explains why the democrats want lots of immigrants, with 25% with a mental disorder that’s democrat voters, Would have to be to explain people voting for Hillary Clinton.

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