Nearly quarter of undocumented immigrants have mental disorder, study finds

HOUSTON — Undocumented Mexican immigrants living near the California-Mexico border experience increased rates of clinical depression and anxiety, a new study finds.

Researchers at Rice University examined the incidence of mental illnesses and substance abuse among 250 individuals within this stressed population, finding that 23 percent met the DSM’s criteria for having a mental disorder.

Depressed women
A new study finds that nearly a quarter of undocumented immigrants are battling depression, anxiety, or another mental disorder.

Fourteen percent of the study’s participants were found to have major depressive disorder (MDD), while eight and seven percent had panic or generalized anxiety disorders, respectively.

Some were determined to have suffered from multiple conditions concurrently.

“The estimates obtained in this study for depression and anxiety disorders were considerably higher in this population when compared with estimates for the general U.S. population,” says lead author Luz Garcini in a university news release.

Namely, one major study shows that seven percent of Americans suffer from MDD, while three percent suffer from a panic or anxiety-related disorder.

These findings came despite the related finding that aliens residing in the U.S. did not demonstrate increased levels of substance abuse.

“This finding defies existing stereotypes that contribute to stigmatization of and discrimination against Mexican immigrants living in the U.S. without documentation as a population with high prevalence of substance use,” Garcini explains. “These individuals are unlikely to engage in substance use because it increases their risk for deportation and it interferes with their productivity at work.”

The researchers believe that a number of stressors, including stigmatization, language barriers, fear of deportation, family separation, and discrimination, are culprits for the deteriorated mental health of many migrants.

Compounding matters, undocumented individuals rarely have access to adequate mental health services, the researchers say.

“Additional research and funding are needed to document the devastating effects of the current socio-political context on the mental health of immigrants living in the U.S. without documentation, which is needed to inform advocacy, policy and intervention efforts,” Garcini concludes.

The study’s findings will be published in a future issue of the Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology.


  1. Anxiety’s not a mental disorder. It is a motivating factor. That said, I think if this is a legitimate scientific study and if it’s free of liberal bias and is not simply trying to make some underlying liberal point, then knowledge of the truth can lead to wiser decisions. I’d like very much to also see a valid and well researched study on the criminal backgrounds of illegal immigrants currently living in America, in order to counter the stupidity and ignorance of the constant refrain in the press that ‘immigrants’ commit fewer crimes than native-born American citizens. Without using the term ‘illegal’ or even the euphemism ‘undocumented’ liberals try to give the impression that illegal immigrants are rarely if ever also criminals, in the face of strong evidence to the contrary. They are currently filling our criminal justice systems and our jails and prisons. So, illegal aliens, in addition to high rates of mental illness, must also have higher rates of criminal backgrounds since illegal entry is really the only choice for a foreign born criminal intent on immigrating to America.

    1. I am a Deplorable-American: homegrown, flag-saluting, armed, self-made, heterosexual, unapologetic. I embrace primacy and dignity of the citizen. I abhor egregious fallibility of the Deep State, its leviathan bureaucracies, and its facile political sepsis. Build skyscrapers not Inner Cities. Eat the world.

      Dive back into your bottle, Hillary.

  2. I can’t say that I’m shocked. They break the law, drag their kids with them, cross the border paying criminal coyotes who typically attack their women and children along the way. When they get here they don’t have legal documentation, they steal SS numbers from citizens and basically commit identity fraud. And the worst thing about it all, Democrats want them to do it so they can one day become Democrat voters..

  3. Nearly Quarter Of Undocumented Immigrants Have Mental Disorder” 75% Republicans? That sounds about right for people who work for a living.

    Bring on three more replaced Supreme Court justices and 125 Federal judicial appointments. Bring on 2018 mid-term elections and 2020 Presidential elections.
    Bring on a drained swamp and America Great Again.

  4. Studies also show they are a drain on the U.S. economy to the tune of 115 billion per years, while contributing on 11 billion.

  5. I’m saving this article in case I have to defend my property and, later, myself, in a courtroom.

  6. The stress is self induced. If they weren’t here they could be at home with their families speaking the language they know and prefer with no fear of being found out and deported. Easy solution.

  7. So it’s better to be here and suffer depression than to go home. That speaks volumes for the Mexican culture and also the American culture.

  8. If only one quarter of the illegal immigrants have mental disorders, then their arrival will reduce the relative incidence of mental disorders in America. We know this mathematically because the half the country that voted for Hillary, and then freaked out when she lost, has got to be mentally disturbed.

  9. They are just worried about global warming and rising sea levels or what bathroom to pick that day.

  10. Nothing new here. First generation immigrants in the past often suffered from Depression. They were separated from relatives by an ocean. Very few had the ability to travel home to visit relatives.

    The pattern, problems and results of a massive wave of immigration is always the same.

    1. And the wall will become the ocean that they can’t cross to visit family. They’ll have to use cell phones like everyone else.

  11. Well, that’s better than the 100% of liberal snowflake fascists Democraps that are mentally ill. As Dr. Savage so eloquently said – “Liberalism is a mental disorder”

  12. Well, that’s a little better than 90% of Democrats who have mental disorders. Maybe the Illegals could help Democrats approach some lower level of mental illness. It’s possible.

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