Nearly quarter of undocumented immigrants have mental disorder, study finds

HOUSTON — Undocumented Mexican immigrants living near the California-Mexico border experience increased rates of clinical depression and anxiety, a new study finds.

Researchers at Rice University examined the incidence of mental illnesses and substance abuse among 250 individuals within this stressed population, finding that 23 percent met the DSM’s criteria for having a mental disorder.

Depressed women
A new study finds that nearly a quarter of undocumented immigrants are battling depression, anxiety, or another mental disorder.

Fourteen percent of the study’s participants were found to have major depressive disorder (MDD), while eight and seven percent had panic or generalized anxiety disorders, respectively.

Some were determined to have suffered from multiple conditions concurrently.

“The estimates obtained in this study for depression and anxiety disorders were considerably higher in this population when compared with estimates for the general U.S. population,” says lead author Luz Garcini in a university news release.

Namely, one major study shows that seven percent of Americans suffer from MDD, while three percent suffer from a panic or anxiety-related disorder.

These findings came despite the related finding that aliens residing in the U.S. did not demonstrate increased levels of substance abuse.

“This finding defies existing stereotypes that contribute to stigmatization of and discrimination against Mexican immigrants living in the U.S. without documentation as a population with high prevalence of substance use,” Garcini explains. “These individuals are unlikely to engage in substance use because it increases their risk for deportation and it interferes with their productivity at work.”

The researchers believe that a number of stressors, including stigmatization, language barriers, fear of deportation, family separation, and discrimination, are culprits for the deteriorated mental health of many migrants.

Compounding matters, undocumented individuals rarely have access to adequate mental health services, the researchers say.

“Additional research and funding are needed to document the devastating effects of the current socio-political context on the mental health of immigrants living in the U.S. without documentation, which is needed to inform advocacy, policy and intervention efforts,” Garcini concludes.

The study’s findings will be published in a future issue of the Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology.


  1. I would think it to be natural to be depressed, scared, and anxious when you live illegally in a country that wants to find you and deport you back to the poverty ridden failed society that you came from.

  2. .

    Once again, there’s no mention of the DEA stating that most illegal drugs come through the Mexican border and the Mexican drug cartels are the biggest criminal threat in the United States. They’re silent on the MS-13 gang ravaging streets and neighborhoods throughout LA and America. Instead, we’re always given a tranquil picture of people living in the shadows and doing jobs Americans do not want to do. All this in spite of tens of millions of Americans not having jobs and half of immigrants receiving government programs. There’s no multi-billion dollar figures showing the draining expense on this nation. I don’t recall any articles of visa abuse or foreign entities like China, abusing our educational system. To understand the future, study the past. Throughout history, all multi-ethnic democracies have broken up; almost always in cataclysmic violence.

    1. Every time I use the R word, the post is held for moderation. Even when it’s a joke about Never going full R word.

  3. I’d say the mental illness percentage of liberal idiots who do everything possible to aid and abet the violation of our borders and immigration laws is considerably higher than that of the invaders they hope to turn into state-dependent liberal “voters,” legal or otherwise. Liberalism is, after all, a mental disorder.

  4. What is happening now is just what Castro did to the US in past decades. He emptied his mental hospitals and jails onto the US. A year ago or less, I read that Cuba was flying people to Mexico so they could come to the US through our southern border. This was around the time Obama visited Cuba making out like it was a big deal that a US president visited this enemy country, Cuba.

    Who in their right mind thinks that Cuba was releasing their best and brightest to come to the US. Not I.

  5. Makes sense, especially since they all vote democrat…liberalism is a genetic defect expressed as a mental disorder.

  6. Search for and read works by Nicolai Sennels to better understand the Arabic/Muslim mind. Much twisted psyches there.

  7. Now wonder the open borders democrat party loves them so much, they are mentally ill just like most liberal democrats.

  8. Let’s see… rape trees, muggings, paying a thug (coyote) your entire life savings… I don’t see how that causes mental disorders!!!

  9. Dishonesty precedes feelings of guilt. Duh! When you know you’re guilty and the cops are looking for you, guess what? You are uncomfortable because you might be caught.

    Is that my fault? Or yours?

  10. “The researchers believe that a number of stressors, including stigmatization, language barriers, fear of deportation, family separation, and discrimination, are culprits for the deteriorated mental health of many migrants”
    Easily solved, go home where there is no stigmatization, language barrier, fear of deportation, family separation or discrimination.

  11. only 1/4. Hell those in the DNC are 50% at least. They are so screwed up they think normal is abnormal.

  12. The real mental disorder is found in the moron leftists that want them here. Liberalism is indeed a mental disorder. But much like the camel humpers the left needs more voters.

  13. Perhaps they don’t engage in more substance abuse than the general population, but they have far less qualms about operating vehicles while under the influence than the LEGAL population. If you don’t care about a country’s laws, why worry about drinking and driving?

  14. The committed Leftist population in the USA is around 30%. Of these, 100% are mentally ill.

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