How to tell if your child may be a psychopath: It’s all about laughter, study says

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LONDON — Laughter may be contagious for most of us, but a new study finds that boys who don’t feel compelled to giggle when their peers do are more likely to later become psychopaths.

Researchers at University College London recruited 92 boys between ages 11 and 16 for a study on how social reactions as an adolescent could predict later behavior. About two-thirds of the participants had been diagnosed with disruptive behaviors or callous and unemotional (CU) traits.

It’s worth noting that CU traits and disruptive behavior have been previously linked to an increased risk of developing psychopathy.

For their experiment, the researchers used fMRI scans to measure the brain activity of participants as they listened to sounds of both fake and real laughter, occasionally interspersed with crying. While listening to these noises, participants were asked to rate on a seven-point scale the degree to which they believed the laughs they heard were genuine. They also noted the extent to which they were emotionally affected.

Adolescents who demonstrated both risk factors for psychopathy reported less of an urge to laugh in conjunction with others than those who were believed to have one or neither. This finding was supported by the results of the fMRI scans, which showed reduced brain activity in regions associated with emotional reasoning.

While “it is not appropriate to label children psychopaths,” as psychopathy is a personality disorder experienced by adults, the signs can be detected at an early age, according to senior author Essi Viding.

Future research can explore whether other friendly social cues, such as smiling, words of encouragement, and displays of love, also prompt a lackluster emotion response from those at risk for psychopathy. Ultimately, these at-risk adolescents may simply experience life differently than the rest of us, Viding suggests.

“Those social cues that automatically give us pleasure or alert us to someone’s distress do not register in the same way for these children,” she says in a statement. “That does not mean that these children are destined to become antisocial or dangerous; rather, these findings shed new light on why they often make different choices from their peers.

“We are only now beginning to develop an understanding of how the processes underlying prosocial behavior might differ in these children,” she continues. “Such understanding is essential if we are to improve current approaches to treatment for affected children and their families who need our help and support.”

The study is published in the journal Current Biology.

This article was first published October 26, 2017.

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  1. Crock of shit. The title should actually read: ‘laughter and giggling common among average, likeminded NeuroTypicals’ . . .

    1. I was thinking along the lines of “hey quick look over here at this article and not the other ones”

    1. You did not watch 2016 election night? BIG LAUGHING FIT along with 1/2 half of AMERICA!

    2. If you had to clean up the chit storm former president shuck and jive left this country in, you wouldn’t be laughing either.

      1. I know, doubling the Dow, cutting unemployment in half, record number of months of job growth. 12 million more people with health insurance. What a mess!!!!

      2. cost of housing way higher, rent, healthcare, all higher, salaries lower. you counting part time starbucks baristas in all that growth? rich got richer tho, 10% more billionaires while middle class rots. great system. real “liberal”

      3. And the GOP solution? Increase the 15% middle class tax bracket to 25%, and reduce the top income tax bracket. Oh, and allow private businesses to be taxed at the lower proposed corporate tax rate. Yeah, that’ll help the middle class. Oh, and by the way, when banks rip you off, now you can’t sue them either.

      4. Step out of your bizzaro world and into reality, you blathering on like an idiot when president shuck and jive was elected that everything bad happening and was actually caused by this street stooge was, the democrat siren song for 8 years, “IT’S BUSH’S FAULT”, now things have improved greatly under Trump, well now it’s all shuck and jives doing. Ddo you even realize how phuq’ing crazy you actually are? You may now return to your land of rainbows, unicorns and Barak the Magic Knee Grow..

      5. Translation: “You are an idiot”. If you need further clarification, go ask a 5 year old.

      1. Dude, look at yourself, all unhinged, what a mess. Seek a safe space and try not to melt.

      2. I love Trump, but this is FUNNY AS HELL.

        I will repost this. Love it. Love Trump but still, ya gotta laugh.

      3. You need to check yerself. He has hit many of his promises as given.

        Cartoons: NOT the best method of argumentation.

      4. When the Flag presentation ceremony and subsequent singing of the anthem occurs in a televised broadcast, you aren’t supposed to stand since there is no flag present in your location.

        The above meme is absurd and not applicable to Flag Code, or to the singing and saluting during the Anthem.

      5. “When the Flag presentation ceremony and subsequent singing of the anthem
        occurs in a televised broadcast, you aren’t supposed to stand since
        there is no flag present in your location.”

        You really should NOT be so IGNORANT, if you are going to rant.

        “During rendition of the national anthem when the flag is displayed, all present except
        those in uniform should stand at attention facing the flag with the right hand over the
        heart. Men not in uniform should remove their headdress with their right hand and hold it
        at the left shoulder, the hand being over the heart. Persons in uniform should render the
        military salute at the first note of the anthem and retain this position until the last
        note. When the flag is not displayed, those present should face toward the music and act
        in the same manner they would if the flag were displayed there.

        So NOW you can see that my example is EXACTLY relevant and applicable,
        I await your apology.

      6. Key words being, “all present ” and “those present”. Watching any live or recorded event on TV does not equate to you being physically at that location”. You may think otherwise but reality and reason dictates that you would be wrong.

      7. “Watching any live or recorded event on TV does not equate to you being physically at that location”.”

        It doesnt say that.

        “During rendition of the national anthem when the flag is displayed, all
        present except those in uniform should stand at attention facing the
        flag with the right hand over the heart.

        When the flag is not displayed, those present should face toward the
        music and act in the same manner they would if the flag were displayed

        So no matter WHAT you want to CLAIM, YOU are the one who is WRONG according to the Flag Code you want to invoke.

      8. You either truly don’t understand the concept and meaning of the word “present” in the context of physical location or you know you are wrong and are arguing anyway, no matter the ridiculousness of it. Either way, nothing I can respond with can persuade you.

      9. So your ‘claim’ is that being present for a RECORDING of the anthem that comes out of stadium speakers is different than that SAME recording coming out of tv speakers or a speaker system at a bar?

      10. My ‘claim’ is that Flag code is directed at individuals that are present at an event/function where the flag is displayed and the national anthem is played. If you are at a football game and in a seat or in line for nachos and the national anthem is played, you being present at the event, follow the directions applicable to you. If you are at home watching it on TV, you are not present. You can stand if you want to but per the Flag code, you are not present.

      11. Unsupported by the Flag Code.
        The code is clear, if you are present while the anthem is playing.
        Doesnt matter if you are home or in a stadium.

      12. The code is clear, it is clear that it is in context to people present and those not present are under no obligation to be standing. You are simply and clearly wrong.

        (of a person) in a particular place.
        “a doctor must be present at the ringside”
        synonyms: in attendance, here, there, near, nearby, (close/near) at hand, available
        “a doctor must be present at the ringside”

      13. Yes, so one is PRESENT at the bar when the anthem is being played on the tv or speakers

        And one is PRESENT at home when it is being played over the tv.

        You are simply and clearly WRONG.
        But whatever you need to do to justify ‘disrespect’, go ahead.

      14. I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt that you are simply being obstinate because even a 4 year old knows that “a doctor must be present at the ringside” does not equate to a doctor watching a boxing match on tv.

      15. Sorry, one can not be present at two physical locations at once. The image you posted simply reiterates the point that 99.99999% of Americans understand the definition and reality of the word, ‘present’.

        You make up the .000001% of people that don’t.

      16. “Sorry, one can not be present at two physical locations at once. ”

        The music certainly can.

        So keep appealing to the emotions of your fellow Snowflakes, because you dont have a reasonable defense.

      17. At best, you are confusing hypocrisy with ignorance. If somebody doesn’t know they are showing disrespect by doing X, it’s not hypocritical for them to point out objective and known disrespect by others…those others being people kneeling BECAUSE they know it is disrespectful, otherwise, they wouldn’t be doing it.

      18. ” it’s not hypocritical for them to point out objective and known disrespect by others..”

        Flag code is known, if you are going to call it out and cherry pick one event over another – that is hypocrisy.

        “.those others being people kneeling BECAUSE they know it is disrespectful,”

        What is a freedom if you cannot use it – tyranny

        It is not disrespectful to use your freedom to own a weapon, if it not disrespectful to use your freedom to protest. The Supreme Court has ruled on this already.

        So you are either
        a. in error by ignorance
        b. hypocritical

      19. My clear point being that being ignorant of flag code regulations is ignorance, not hypocrisy. People can’t be duplicitous and ignorant at the same time.

        I didn’t say that they didn’t have the freedom to show disrespect to the flag, I only stated that they are in fact, knowingly disrespecting the flag. It is patently false for those kneeling or those defending them to state otherwise. The point of burning, desecrating or other forms of disrespect of the flag, which is a symbol of our nation, is to invoke offense.

        They are using offense to get attention. They are not the first and they are not any worse in that respect than others before them that choose to use negative means for a perceived positive outcome….versus the much harder choice of using positive action to promote positive outcome.

      20. “I only stated that they are in fact, knowingly disrespecting the flag.”

        But they didnt, they were using their freedom to protest.
        A freedom that is unusable is NOT a freedom, but tyranny.

      21. You can use your freedom to protest something without being disrespectful. The ONLY reason why they are using this form of protest IS because it is disrespectful and therefore would get attention. That’s why nobody gets upset when players kneel if somebody get’s hurt or in prayer…BECAUSE it’s a known action of respect…where these guys are kneeling when standing is a known sign of respect.

      22. Since when is using your First Amendment right to protest is disrepectful?

        I mean to anyone but Snowflakes.

        “BECAUSE it’s a known action of respect…”

        Dont be ignorant
        And dont be such a Snowflake with your ‘feelings’

        Kneeling is a basic human position where one or both knees touch the ground. It is used as a resting position, during childbirth and as an expression of reverence and submission

      23. In order to stay intellectually consistent, you would have to also state that the Westboro Baptist cult’s actions of protesting military funerals isn’t a willful act of disrespect as well.

        You would be again, in the .0000001% of the population that would think that.

      24. “In order to stay intellectually consistent, you would have to also state
        that the Westboro Baptist cult’s actions of protesting military
        funerals isn’t a willful act of disrespect as well.”

        As a liberty loving American, I do.

        “You would be again, in the .0000001% of the population that would think that.”

        Hardly, but keep telling yourself that MOST people hate freedom as much as you.

      25. The simple fact that you (and your CLAIMED 99.9999999) would prefer tyranny to Freedom says all anybody needed to know.

        I am sure North Korea would agree with you.

      26. The Court did not ignore the fact that the pledge incites deep emotions, especially during wartime (when the case was decided).

        To the justices, that just meant that the students’ free speech rights mattered even more:

        “Freedom to differ is not limited to things that do not matter much. That would be a mere shadow of freedom. The test of its substance is the right to differ as to things that touch the heart of the existing order.”

        The Court also explained that true patriots welcome dissent and protest, even when it touches the flag.

        To the Court, true patriots recognize that the U.S. is strong enough to appeal to people on its own, without mandates from above:

        “To believe that patriotism will not flourish if patriotic ceremonies are voluntary and spontaneous, instead of a compulsory routine, is to make an unflattering estimate of the appeal of our institutions to free minds.”

        See THAT?

        ‘true patriots’

        See which side of this argument you have come down on?

        the Snowflake side…………….

      27. Your name calling aside, which is not necessary since I didn’t stoop to that level, I never said they didn’t have the freedom to protest anything or whether they could or couldn’t utilize the American flag in that protest, no matter how misguided.

        “I am not going to stand up to show pride in a flag for a country that oppresses black people and people of color,”- Colin Kaepernick

        So, again. Colin and others protesting KNOW they are showing disrespect to the flag. That they are directing their anger at the United States of America, for which the flag represents. Not just police officers…but the country itself, which includes all the people in it. Of course to him, maybe only people of color are excluded from his scope. Which is still bigoted and unreasonable.

        He and they targeted the flag to disrespect so that others would be rightfully offended and he/they would get attention that they otherwise would not garner.

      28. Exercising their Constitutional rights is not disrespectful.

        You think using your freedom is,

        You hate freedom.

        Nuff said.

      29. “kneeling for the Anthem demonstrates respect
        but that is not really the point.”

        I refuted that clearly and that was my point…it is disrespectful by any rational understanding.

      30. “I refuted that clearly and that was my point”

        A claim is a claim.

        “.it is disrespectful by any rational understanding.”

        Supreme Court already ruled against your irrrationality.

      31. “I refuted that clearly and that was my point…it is disrespectful by any rational understanding”

        You’ve refuted NOTHING.
        You’ve made baseless CLAIMS that are simply demonstratable as dishonest.

        Kneeling is a basic human position where one or both knees touch the
        ground. It is used as a resting position, during childbirth and as an
        expression of reverence and submission

      32. “My clear point being that being ignorant of flag code regulations is ignorance, not hypocrisy. ”

        Ok, I will concede that point.

        but if they have failed to actually examine the Flag Code, then it is WILLFUL IGNORANCE.

        “I didn’t say that they didn’t have the freedom to show disrespect to the flag,”

        It is not disrepectful to use your freedoms to protest, as least not in the US, North Korea is a different story, as are all tyrannies.

        ‘The point of burning, desecrating or other forms of disrespect of the flag, which is a symbol of our nation, is to invoke offense.”

        Incorrect, it is to point out injustice, AS CLAIMED.

      33. You are something else…you point out the Flag Code and state people are disrespecting it, which is true, whether they are aware of it or not…but then state the people who are aware of what they are doing by not standing for the Anthem isn’t showing disrespect but “pointing out an injustice”. You can’t have it both ways.

        Respect for the National Anthem goes back to 1891…and standing and removing your hat, if worn was a sign of RESPECT…not standing but purposely kneeling is an action of blatant disrespect.

      34. “but then state the people who are aware of what they are doing by not
        standing for the Anthem isn’t showing disrespect but “pointing out an
        injustice”. ”

        kneeling for the Anthem demonstrates respect
        but that is not really the point.

        The point AGAIN, is that it is a demonstration of First Amendment rights, already settled by the Supreme Court.

        It is not disrepectful to use your freedoms to protest, as least not in
        the US, North Korea is a different story, as are all tyrannies.

        Stop being such a fragile Snowflake and respect FREEDOM, not tyranny.

      35. No, your points about the flag were spot on. I should know, I am a vet. To the right of me? Perhaps. But there are red flags in what you post that would make that statement very suspect.

        BUT I am a fair minded troglodyte, and as such will give you the benefit of the doubt. For now. Like you care.

      36. “No, your points about the flag were spot on. I should know, I am a vet. ”

        As am I.

        “But there are red flags in what you post that would make that statement very suspect.”

        Suspect as what?
        Someone who actually examines the Flag Code?
        Someone who values liberty and freedom?

      37. No, Im not crying, Snowflake, sounds like you are.

        I dont want to rub your mommies feet , or eat her garbage food either.

  2. This explains much as I’ve always thought that liberals were the most humorless, miserable people on earth. Then they constantly try to bring everyone else down to their level.

  3. Does Comedy Central make people into psychopaths or detect them. You can watch it for hours and never laugh.

  4. Yeah, so you better laugh when all the idiots laugh at snl propaganda. Conform or be labeled a psychopath.

  5. So you tell some stupid joke and I don’t laugh so I’m a psychopath? Tell you what, I’ll laugh at that.

      1. That is highly unlikely. Libertarians don’t think in mass generalities in order to preserve dogma, such as thinking people that support trump are white supremacists. Libertarians know there is a distinction between white nationalists and racists. The preservation of a genetic and cultural identity is ONLY racist when it applies to “white people”. The vast majority of Trump supporters, which I am not, are not white nationalists even but simply nationalists. They are tired of being the saviors of the world in need but the tyrants of the world in want.

      2. It’s not what I WANT to believe, it’s called a reasonable conclusion based on the known facts of your posts.

        I said “mass generalities”, which clearly implies that there are people that GENERALIZE all trump supporters as being white supremacists, just because any percentage of them are. Besides ignorance, the purpose being to discredit a group based on some within the group. Look up Association fallacy. So, I didn’t state there were no white supremacists that support trump.

        So, white nationalists want to lead and white supremacists want to be tyrants. I can agree with your statement.

        “The preservation of a genetic and cultural identity is ONLY racist when it applies to “white people””

        “Certainly even YOU understand that that is NOT true.”

        Actually it is true, provide evidence of other ethnic groups, WITHIN that ethnic group, refer to them as racists versus simply members that want to protect their culture, their uniqueness. You won’t find anything significant because to them Black Pride, etc. is simply loving oneself and their “people” unlike White Pride, which is always categorized by most within (brainwashed) and the vast majority without as racism.

        “Tyrants are nationalistic.”

        So, those wanting to preserve and advocate for those that identify with each other, whether by choice or birth are tyrants? I suppose responsible adults within a family are tyrants because they factor in the self interest of the family in their decisions? Besides the obvious political groups that survive on identity politics, you are pointing a finger at the vast majority of humanity. Tyrants are nationalistic just like every honest human being but being nationalistic is not tyrannical.

        “Tyrants are tyrants and tyrants hate liberty.
        Why do you hate liberty?”

        You obviously either didn’t understand my point or did and simply are going off on a straw man tangent.

        Let me break it down for you.

        “They are tired of being the saviors of the world in need but the tyrants of the world in want.”

        “They” references Americans generally and white Americans specifically. When others of the world need help, they get it mainly by Americans, either through free will generosity or political obligation via government’s power of taxation.
        I say specifically white Americans because of the fact of population and economic status. But it is also in scope of Europeans for the same reason.

        When said people don’t give in to the WANTS of the world, then Americans, specifically white Americans and at a broader level, Europeans are then called Tyrants…racists…selfish..uncaring.

        “They” are tired of the saturation of disrespect and derision, even though they make up the vast majority of those that help others.

      3. I dont know why you would be ‘pretending’ to be a woman, when it is obvious that you arent a man.

    1. you are prob not a psychopath, but you are an idiot.
      it says CONTAGIOUS laughter. when people are laughing so much you just start laughing too….

    2. infantile, but par for the lefty course – you just showed your face troll

      dureza de mi hombría se agrietará tu sonrisa. – Che (I killed women and children) Guevara

    3. Trump, one out of 15.4 million.

      “In the course of the Vietnam War, about 15.4 million men received deferments, were exempted or disqualified.”

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