Study: 90 percent of American men are ‘overfat’

The vast majority of American men are “overfat,” a new study finds.

Various researchers, led by Australian health expert Philip Maffetone, examined the prevalence of individuals in society who have excess body fat that impairs health, many of whom aren’t conventionally considered overweight.

Measuring weight loss or obesity
While we often talk about whether or not we’re “overweight” when it comes to our health, a new study finds 90 percent of American men are “overfat.”

They particularly looked at excess fat stored in the abdomen region, which is associated with an increased risk of chronic disease (e.g., cancer, stroke, heart disease, Type 2 diabetes), higher levels of morbidity and mortality, and reduced quality of life.

In many cases, overfat individuals notice that their condition aids and abets the development of other health conditions.

The researchers found that up to 90 percent of adult males in developed countries are overfat, along with up to 80 percent of women and half of children.

While the problems were most magnified among denizens of the United States and New Zealand, they were fairly pervasive worldwide.

Previous research by the same authors had concluded that up to 76 percent of the world’s population may be overfat.

Meanwhile, measuring body mass index (BMI) isn’t effective for determining whether someone is overfat, so Maffetone et al. devised a simple equation to help anyone make that determination.

Quite simply, if the circumference of your waist measures more than half your height, you’re overfat.

Clearly, a surprising number of people fall into this category, including professional athletes and military personnel.

Don’t cheat: the researchers specify that one must measure their waist from the level of their belly button.

The study’s findings were published in the journal Frontiers in Public Health.


  1. So three quarters of the worldwide male population (and 9 out of ten American males) has a weight problem? Am I the only one who finds such a high percentage to be rather fishy?

    1. Look at old movies and study how thin the people used to be. Folks these days are legitimately fat. Even young people are fat.

  2. Well, so far today I have read about 40 articles that says we are all going to die because of some thing that the liberals want funded with our tax dollars, so I think I will just ignore this article too.

  3. I had a doctor tell me one time that I was now considered obese. I responded the best way I could – I may be fat, in which I can lose, but at least I am not ugly is you in which there is no cure.

    1. Well now…that little “comebacker’ will save the taxpayer oodles of $ when your health issues arise due to obesity and you expect everyone else to pay for your irresponsibities…

  4. in the contemporary western world, males undergo cultural, chemical and behavioral emasculation that starts in grade school. they are less physically active than ever, and more overweight and obese than ever. and you wonder why sperm counts are going down, lol? snap the f**k out of it, people.

  5. Say the same exact thing about American women; I double-dog dare the media. No guts.

  6. Max, women perform important unpaid work. Feminists don’t want us compensated for raising our children. That’s why my social security has “0” for income for 15 years. I could have been in a coma and gotten a “0”. Had I run a daycare for three kids, then the gov’t would have recognized the value of my contribution. One child is now a lawyer, one is a paramedic, and the third works in the tech industry. All pay taxes.

  7. If men are overweight, then the solution is clear.

    It’s time to start a men’s body positivity and acceptance campaign proclaiming health at any weight.

    Am I right feminists?

    1. If the fat feminists could magically be thin, they’d do it in a heartbeat. The “body acceptance” stuff is for losers.

    2. you haven’t heard of “dad bod” I take it….

      Pretty awful when you think of what that is… For me, there was no greater motivation to get into the best shape of my life than having a child… I want to be her rock for as long as I can grace this earth as her shield… I want to be a guiding light in her life, her children’s lives and, God willing, their children’s lives for as long as I can. I want to not just be alive to witness, but fit enough to experience life along side her… To teach her how to field a ground ball and make a good throw to first. I want to teach her how to be patient in the batters’ box… I want to teach her how to ski and surf… anything she wants to do… It could be ballet, for all I care- I want to be fit enough to keep up with her…

      Is it weird being 35 with a better body than I had at 15? A little, but it feels freaking awesome… and it feels even better to know I am doing everything within my control to not just be there for her long term, but be able to truly be there if she needed me.

      Why accept “dad bod” as a soft dough boy when what “dad bod ” really should be is “ripped, don’t eff with my family or you will suffer my wrath” bod.

  8. Spoons, it’s the spoons! Get rid of spoons and guns– the evil instruments leading to our demise. Get rid of dumbass articles as well. Gotta go, my breakfast of eggs, bacon and a stack of pancakes is about ready, just as soon as I finish this cigarette.

  9. Apparently those military personnel must be first sergeants and desk officers. . .

  10. Oh, another “study”. So I went and looked at it. It’s just more hysterical hand-wringing. And the authors’ livelihoods would certainly benefit from an increase of angst. So, the correct response is a long yawn followed by a dismissive smirk.

  11. Overfat…a new bullshit category so the researches can continue being funded to compile their worthless data and results.

  12. Fat is DISGUSTING! As soon as we realize that fact and stop with this “fat is beautiful” nonsense we can begin the process of getting healthy.

    1. What a bright can cheery one you are! I sure hope you are thin and beautiful on the outside, because on the inside you contain one butt ugly soul.

  13. I’m 6′ 4″ and when I had a 36″ waist I was told I was to skinny though technically when I hit 38″ I was overfat, though still considered thin. Not sure I really believe this article.

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