Study: 4 in 10 men have experienced ‘inexplicable sadness’ after sex

QUEENSLAND, Australia — Having sex may feel like a badge of honor for many men, but for others, it’s an act that, once finished, brings about intense feelings of sadness. In a new study, researchers for the first time ever have identified that women aren’t the only ones who can suffer from this emotional tidal wave in the bedroom, better known as post coital dysphoria, or PCD.

PCD occurs when a person has, for all intents and purposes, enjoyable consensual sex with a partner, but is met with “inexplicable feelings of tearfulness, sadness, or irritability” afterwards.

Couple in bed
A world-first study by QUT researchers concludes men can and do suffer from postcoital dysphoria (PCD) which results in feelings of sadness, tearfulness or irritability following sex. (Photo credit: QUT Marketing & Communication)

Researchers from the Queensland University of Technology say PCD had only previously been recognized in women, but after a survey of 1,208 men from numerous countries — including the United States, United Kingdom, Germany, and Russia — it’s clear that the condition is more common among males than one might expect. In fact, four in 10 participants recalled suffering from PCD symptoms at some point in their lives.

“Forty-one percent of the participants reported experiencing PCD in their lifetime with 20 percent reporting they had experienced it in the previous four weeks,” says co-author Joel Maczkowiack, a masters student at the university’s school of psychology, in a release.

As many as 4 percent of the individuals, who voluntarily participated in the online questionnaire via postings on social media and psychological research websites, said they battle PCD symptoms regularly. Men acknowledged that statements such as “I don’t want to be touched and want to be left alone,” or “I feel unsatisfied, annoyed and very fidgety. All I really want is to leave and distract myself from everything I participated in,” applied to them when thinking about times they’d made love. Others described feeling “emotionless and empty” even though the sex was otherwise satisfactory.

“It is commonly believed that males and females experience a range of positive emotions including contentment and relaxation immediately following consensual sexual activity,” says co-author Robert Schweitzer, a professor at the university.

Schweitzer says that research has shown that couples that continue engaging in acts of intimacy after sex, such as talking, kissing, or cuddling, feel more satisfied in their relationships and strengthen the bond they share. Conversely, the emotional rollercoaster that comes with PCD could magnify any conflict in a relationship and wind up causing a bond between two people to break even further.

“The first three phases of the human sexual response cycle – excitement, plateau, and orgasm – have been the focus of the majority of research to date,” Professor Schweitzer said. “Yet previous studies on the PCD experience of females showed that a similar proportion of females had experienced PCD on a regular basis. As with the men in this new study, it is not well understood. We would speculate that the reasons are multifactorial, including both biological and psychological factors.”

The authors say the findings show sexual experiences for men could be more diverse than believed, and are important for clinicians to consider when working with men who may experience such symptoms.

The full study was published July 24, 2018 in the Journal of Sex and Marital Therapy.


  1. The problem with studies where they ask for volunteers for a depression study, a sex study, or a relationship study or what have you is that neurotic people are most likely to participate. This is not even close to a representative sample of the population. This is just some low paid researcher or graduate student trying to make a name for himself or herself.

  2. It is because some acts of sexual intercourse are sinful (fornication, intercourse, etc.) and after those acts some realize on a deep level that they have committed a mortal sin — the punishment for which is traditionally known as “eternal damnation,” which consists of eternal separation from God. Best to avoid it.

  3. Science is supposed to categorize results based on major affecting variables. Of course nothing here about which sex was in marriage or in affairs or one night stands are completely ignored. Hello? There is a thing called guilt.

  4. That’s because the 4 out of 10 realize it’s time to shower, get dressed and go home to their wives.

  5. When men have been preached to for decades that they are evil and that all sex is rape of the woman blah blah blah, I’m surprised that they are even sleeping with women at all. We should be thankful that this number is only 4 out of 10. The third-way sjw’s won’t be happy until its 10/10.

    1. I am MGTOW and happier than I have ever been! Try it guys…it drives women crazy LOL

      1. bachelors…………..used to be thought as ‘ missing out ‘, turns out they were right

  6. You don’t have to look far…Sam Kinnison’s first appearance on the David Letterman show. Primal scream and all that.

  7. Just more internet rehashing of human behavior that’s gone on for thousands of years in golden anonymity.

  8. Looking for a ten, settle for a five, wake up with a one, deciding later on, none is better.

  9. Those 4 guys are probably wondering what its going to cost them. Seriously, what is a fling or one night stand to guys is perceived differently by today’s entitlement queens. More women than not expect something in return afterwards, be it an emotional commitment or something material. There’s the possibility of pregnancy and indentured servitude for 18 years. Perhaps worst of all…a delayed accusation of sexual assault. #MGTOW

      1. Makes me sad, the division between men and women. I am sorry you and others have come to hate women. This won’t end well for humanity, but neither does government sanctioned infanticide.

      2. These guys don’t “hate” women. They’re involved in exploring themselves. I think its a temporary condition. But as an Asian-American immigrant, I can understand their choice. If women acted like U.S. women do where I come from they would be shunned, mocked.

      3. If more white women thought like you and had the strong cultural instincts you do then the division would not be so big. Thank you for being you. I know it must be difficult because I think most women will vilify you and women typically do not like being in that position. You seem like a tough gal made out of some good stuff. Hopefully there is a man in your life who appreciates you like me a stranger does. I’m not hitting on you by the way. I’m miserably married. 🙂 Hope you appreciate dark humor.

      4. Men going there own Way…………same as BACHELOR. Single life with maids and escorts IS sio much cheaper than a wife…………let em take care of themselves

  10. I believe men could alleviate this ‘sadness’ by getting married and being faithful.

    1. ROFL! I have been married 36 years so I say … Wait… can’t catch my breath, laughing too hard! ROFL! Can’t breath ugh!

  11. 4 in 10 realize that they will have to endure days of endless chin music, just for a few seconds of bliss, and realizing that in most cases its too high of a price to pay.

  12. That’s because the alcohol wears off and the beer goggles go away.

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