Young adults are having heart attacks more often — What’s causing it?

Heart disease is the number one cause of death in the United States. In the last few decades, though, with advances in the prevention and management of coronary artery disease, the occurrence of heart attacks in older adults has been declining.

Alarmingly, the occurrence of heart attacks and other forms of heart disease among younger adults (ages 20 to 50) is increasing. The increase in cardiovascular problems in this group, in 2020 and 2021, was so great that it contributed to declines in life expectancy.

So, what’s causing this disturbing trend? There’s evidence that these heart conditions are the consequences of poor food choices and lack of exercise. Here’s what to know about the signs of heart disease, what to look for, and what to do to avoid the largely preventable fallout resulting from unhealthy habits:

Heart attacks (myocardial infarctions) occur when the heart muscle is deprived of oxygen. Usually, the cause is partial or complete blockage of blood supply to some part of the heart. Symptoms in younger adults are the same as those in older adults, including chest pain or discomfort, which may radiate into the arms, jaw, neck, or back, shortness of breath, and weakness or feeling faint.

Other forms of heart disease include cardiomyopathy (thickened heart muscle), irregular, abnormal heart rhythms, and heart failure.

Heart illustration with magnification of the artery
Heart illustration with magnification of the artery. Heart attacks (myocardial infarctions) occur when the heart muscle is deprived of oxygen. (credit: American Heart Association)

Research published in the American Journal of Medicine in 2019 assessed more than 2,000 young adults hospitalized for heart attacks from 2000 through 2016. The study found that 20 percent (1 in 5 people) occurred in patients 40 years-old or younger. These patients had the same risk as older adults to die from another heart attack, stroke, or other condition.

The increasing prevalence of heart disease is greater in young women than in young men. The women are more often Black, and have a history of diabetes, chronic kidney disease, high blood pressure, or a previous stroke.

Research shows that healthcare providers are prone to not taking the signs of heart disease in women as seriously as in men. They often pay less attention to managing risk factors, especially by prescribing fewer risk-reducing medications, according to a 2019 study in the journal Circulation.

The biggest risk factors for young adults

People are developing risk factors for heart disease earlier in life. Most younger adults who developed heart problems were thought to be in generally good health before their heart attacks. They were found, however, to have at least one condition which had put them at risk for a cardiac event. The greatest risk factors are:

There may be some genetic influences contributing to these conditions. Most, however, are the consequences of harmful lifestyle habits, which often start during childhood, says Eugene Yang, chair of the American College of Cardiology Prevention of Cardiovascular Diseases Council. Tobacco, cocaine, marijuana, and alcohol use also increase the risk of heart attacks in younger adults.

COVID-19 has its own way of contributing to heart disease. It triggers the body’s inflammatory response, making blood thicker and stickier. Blood clots can form, clogging arteries and causing heart attacks. In 2022, The Journal of Medical Virology reported that heart attack deaths rose 14 percent during the first year of the pandemic. The greatest increase occurred in patients between the ages of 25 and 44. Why there was such a change in this age group is still unknown.

Research shows that about half of people under age 45 don’t think they could be at risk for heart disease. It can be a tough job to convince younger adults about heart disease and risk factors when they’re still focused on building careers and establishing families.

Life’s Essential 8 can save young adults

The three “P”s for reducing heart disease in younger adults are prevention, prevention, and prevention. The American Heart Association recommends following eight lifestyle habits they call “Life’s Essential 8”:

  • Healthy diet
  • No tobacco
  • Regular exercise
  • Sufficient sleep
  • Weight management
  • Watch cholesterol levels
  • Monitor blood pressure
  • Follow blood sugar levels

So, young readers, make having a primary healthcare provider one of the features of the map you’re creating to navigate life. Check in with that provider at least once a year, or as recommended for you individually. A family medicine provider can care for everyone in the family.

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About the Author

Dr. Faith Coleman

Dr. Coleman is a graduate of the University of New Mexico School of Medicine and holds a BA in journalism from UNM. She completed her family practice residency at Wm. Beaumont Hospital, Troy and Royal Oak, MI, consistently ranked among the United States Top 100 Hospitals by US News and World Report. Dr. Coleman writes on health, medicine, family, and parenting for online information services and educational materials for health care providers.

The contents of this website do not constitute advice and are provided for informational purposes only. See our full disclaimer


  1. “poor food choices and lack of exercise.”
    Really? All of the sudden it started in 2020-2021.

  2. Maybe a study (not conducted by big pharma) of this age group should be had – heart conditions with those with and without the jab. I know in my heart of hearts that the forced vaccine requirement has a negative impact on many health levels. Heart, infertility, cancer…

  3. Something has to be causing a 30% increase in excess mortality. I can’t imagine what that might be! Let’s blame the fat kids!

  4. After self-researching mountains of data from late 2020s up, there’s no doubt, no matter how you look at it, the died suddenly syndrome around the world, is from mRNA clot shots.

  5. The question: what’s causing it?
    Answer: cognitive dissonance of the American people.

    The question along with the answer are proof. We know damn well what’s causing it but we also know TPTB won’t tell the truth.

    Gog dissonance people, get educated!

  6. How obtuse can you be? Seriously??

    The vaxx…….or climate change, lockdown stress eggs.


  7. The youth were eating the most amazing healthy diets EVER prior to Covid. No HFCS. No bioengineered food products. No swilling of copious amounts of alcohol.

    I am a participant in a group who KNEW early on that the shot was dangerous and the watch word was to reject it, even to the point of being fired for not consenting to it. The doctors got a huge shot of cash for pushing Big Pharma’s cyanide. Doctors no longer follow the science and refuse to investigate beyond their own noses. The professional initials MD indicate the person(s) holding the doctorate are first and foremost SCIENTISTS. What does such a one do? INVESTIGATE!

    The CLOT shot.

    1. And the doctors’ justification?
      ‘We were just following orders.’
      Where have we heard that before…

  8. Um, what? Not even a mention of the experimental shots foisted upon those you g adults. Bad faith Coleman.

  9. “poor food choices and lack of exercise.”

    Riiiight. That’s why covid-vaxxed high profile athletes are dropping dead on playing fields all over the world.

    Give it up, StudyFinds. The public knows schlock “science” when it sees it.

  10. “The increase in cardiovascular problems in this group, in 2020 and 2021, was so great that it contributed to declines in life expectancy.”

    Which rules out ALL of the suggested factors in this study and points to only one, the one already known to target young males: government-mandated, experimental mRNA Covid “vaccines”.

  11. Not sure science will ever recover from the “science” our media has foisted upon us. I got two shots. The second was worse than any flu I’ve ever had. And when I finally got what I assume was Covid, it was just a bad cold. All while these same Brainiacs were trying to tell me that cloth could provide protection from a respiratory virus. Something we’ve known was false for seventy years. We learned that in middle school. But we couldn’t say it. Had to watch all that knowledge get memory holed by self-important idiots and brain dead gate keepers. I’d get “fact checked” on facebook by Politico for posting RCTs. Freak’n POLITICO. They couldn’t understand their own source didn’t support their argument. They just liked the title. “Masks Work”. For what? What kind work for this purpose? “Um….”. Just non stop stupidity.

  12. We know what is causing it, but doctors are either crazy liberal or too afraid to speak up. We have seen these stringy white clots before, back in the 1970’s. Then they were caused by heparin. Now they are caused by antibodies to the spike protein that cross react with platelet factor 4. They found it in a group of vaccinated individuals who presented with heart attacks and strokes but survived. We have a simple blood test for this but no one appears to be checking it. This is why there are clots and heart attacks in the second and third weeks of a COVID infection. When you get the vaccine the spike protein continues to be produced for months and keeps these antibodies going. The vaxed individuals are more likely to get COVID and then get more spike protein from recurrent infections leading to more buildup of clot. Spike protein appears to cause myocarditis as a direct toxic affect on the myocardium as well. They actively suppressed this research since the spring of 2021.

  13. The phenonium of children and young adults having strokes, enlarged and irregularly beating hearts is historically very low.
    But has exploded since the vaccine coercions.

    In the 1950’s and 60’s , if a child had Leukemia, lymphoma or other deadly cancers, Doctors would fly in from all over the country to try to figure out how this happened.
    But since the Gates man got involved with the government regulated vaccines, children with cancer are everywhere.
    Go figure, Just say no to the prick.

    1. Doctors took the jab and intimidated others into taking it. They will never admit they were wrong.

  14. HILARIOUS……Apparently young people started eating poorly and quit excercising …… 2020/2021. Anything else happen around then? Any new meds or injections at that time?

    1. Please keep the obvious to yourself. We can make no determination of the cause of the dramatic
      increase in heart attacks in young people until the 6 year double blind study of vaccine related mortality is completed. You know the study that hasn’t been initiated.

  15. The first and most obvious is inertia, junk food and obesity. Never in my over 70 years have I seen such obesity in younger people. The only exercise they get is their thumbs on their devices.

    1. That’s it! The obesity pandemic has come home to roost. There is no good science to implicate vaccines. A load of circumstantial evidence calls for such a study, but no one will fund it.

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