Study: Could those high-priced antioxidants actually be killing you?

BEIJING — Fear of mortality is one reason Americans spend so much on “antioxidant” products, including Vitamin C supplements and beta-carotene, which promise a longer healthier life. According to the National Institutes of Health, more than half of adults in the U.S. consume some kind of antioxidant product, spending $37 billion each year.

But a study conducted in China – where aging is akin to a national obsession these days – claims that antioxidants don’t work as billed. The study is published in the journal Redox Biology.

Rather than extending longevity, researchers say they trigger a stress reaction which causes the body to age more rapidly.

In other words, those expensive life-enhancers may actually be killing you.

Researchers discovered the relationship by studying how oxidants affected worms and human cells at various stages of development.  Oxidants, it turned out, had no measurable impact on aging.

But introducing antioxidants disturbed the mechanism in cells that resists aging and as a result, the cells began aging more rapidly — “unnaturally fast,” said Chen Chang, the lead scientist on the project at the Institute of Biophysics, part of the Chinese Academy of Sciences in Beijing.

Chang and her team are especially concerned about their findings because of the widespread use of antioxidants among Chinese youth. “More and more ‘white collar workers’ in their 20s are taking pills containing antioxidants such as Vitamin C and tea polyphenols. They must stop,” Chang told the South China Morning Post.

But older people are also more likely to die faster due to supplements, they found. Chang recommended that antioxidant use in China and elsewhere be curtailed.

The Chinese study appears to confirm the results of a 2008 “meta-review” of 405 studies comparing the longevity of people that consumed various kinds of vitamin supplements with those that took only a placebo. That review, conducted by top medical researchers in Denmark, found no significant differences in the mortality rates of the two groups.

So far, none of these new studies has put a dent in the multi-billion dollar vitamin and supplement industry, which continues to promote the presumed anti-aging benefits of its products.

And there is little evidence that consumers are paying attention, either – or if they are, that they care.

But the evidence against antioxidants is mounting.

Another medical study conducted last year found that overuse of Vitamin D supplements was associated with a higher risk of falls in men and in women 70 years and older.

Apparently, Nature is sending a message: Stop trying to reset your biological clock.

Editor’s Note: does not agree, nor disagree with the studies we post on this site. Our goal is to provide you with the latest results of professional studies and leave it to our readers to debate and explain their positions on these findings.

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  1. If you are taking “beta- KEROSENE”, you definitely are killing yourself. Beta-carotene, on the otherhand…

      1. You eat pet food? lol
        Read your labels, if it doesn’t give you the info you need, send the company an email and demand to know.

  2. People wouldn’t look for dietary supplements if 80% of the food on the supermarket shelves weren’t pumped full of sugars. Fix that and the supplement industry will vastly reduce as people start feeling better over the next 10-20 years.

    1. Problem is that our soil is vastly depleted, so produce doesn’t have the nutritional punch that it did 40yrs ago.

      1. You’re right, however if you do some digging(pun intended) there are reasons for the drop in nutritional properties of topsoil. BTW If they stop extracting fats from foods and injecting it with hfcs to regain palatability that would be a start as well. Remove low fat/no fat products…

      2. Short of coconut & olive oils, roasted coffee and nuts, and locally processed beef/poultry – nothing I eat is processed. I either grow my own produce (I compost and add worms- get my soil tested annually and adjust nutrients as needed) or buy from locally-grown organic farmers who also amend soil.

        Amazing how my health has improved since I ditched all that crap.

  3. Since we are talking about Chinese supplements here, maybe Beta Kerosene is as popular as the tryptophan made from waste metal with altered bacteria. Yeh, I would have a problem with supplements in China too.

  4. Another hit job by the pharmaceutical industry. There is no profit to be made from healthy people. Nutrition is the foundation of healing and maintaining health. There are zero deaths per year from vitamin supplements.

      1. Say what you want about vodka, but I’ve been using it for years to keep my orange juice germ free and I have yet to come down with an orange born disease.

      2. “Vitamin D makes you fall down.” Sounds more like novel results mining. Look for any anomalous correlation until you find something interesting. Don’t worry about causation, just publish and get paid!

      3. Well vit D is pretty useless unless taken with vit k2. That helps it get to the bones. Taking vitamins in food that come with other vitamins tht work together is much different than a huge dose of one by itself.

    1. We need an alt-AMA monopoly and create alt-insurance companies. Bill Gates get on that when not killing little kids in India with your vaccines.

    2. Great logic. There are also NO deaths attributed individually to old age! Or how about no deaths attributed to radiation poisoning? Nope! MAYBE the point was deaths and illnesses that are RELATED to XYZ. THINK.

      1. Your reasoning is defective. Old age is a condition, not a substance that is introduced into ones body. Radiation poisoning deaths are being covered up by the same folks that try to demonize vitamins. There are over 100,000 deaths per year attributed to the use of pharmaceuticals that are taken as prescribed.

    3. Maybe no deaths outright but certainly harm from too much water insoluble vitamins like A, D, E, and K. Supplements on the other hand have contributed to death or illness when people have bad reactions to them and didnt realize it was the supplement that was making them sick.

      1. Thanks for confirming that there are zero deaths per year from vitamin supplements. What is the harm that you re referring too and how much is too much? You don’t mention the harm caused by deficiencies in vitamins like A, D, E, and K.

      2. If you don’t want to take supplements, fine, don’t take them, but for crying out loud, use your brain, if you can find it. Wow, all those millions of undiagnosed deaths were probably, no, were for sure due to vitamin supplements. Save the world, stop taking vitamins. Save yourselves. Happy now?

  5. For my entire life, scientists have flip-flopped every few years on just about everything that is good or bad for you. Caffeine, cholesterols, fats, chocolate, sugar, cheese; you name it, it has been bad then good then bad again numerous times in my lifetime. These would seem easy studies; people who eat them live longer or not than people who don’t. BUT, when it comes to the far more complex study of climate and the causes of it changing, they are certain; yeah right.

    BTW, moderation is the key, if you are excessive about anything it will harm you; even obviously good things like exercise or vegetables will do you no good at best, or outright hurt you when taken to the extreme.

      1. Yep. And if they don’t come up with the “correct” results for the study, they get NO more funding. 🤔

      2. Read the book “Big Fat Surprise” that came out last year. It confirms just that theory among diet ary research agencies/foundations. If you don’t believe in the low fat diet, you get no funding, no publishing etc. It’s a sick conspiracy fed by big egos and lots of money, etc. We all suffer due to the unjustified dietary regimens these clowns foist on the public.

      3. Like fake global warning and the thousands of jobs and billions of dollars spent on it every year…….

      4. You first have to reject all logic and analytical thinking, listen to no counter points, facts or reasons. When you have that down strong, you must then go out and call everyone not conforming to your narrow beliefs, racist, bigot, xenophobic, islamophobic, deplorables. Then you have to cease all productive activity and pitch a non stop tantrum.

      5. Guess you never heard about all the data that was falsified, the sensors moved closer to populated areas to show higher temps, etc. So we are the dopes !!

      6. Many thermometers were on top of asphalt roofs, attached to concrete buildings (heat sinks), positioned next to concrete runways – true fact… so obviously they’ve indicated wrong temps.

      7. Gawd it just doesn’t get stupider than that. (I know “stupider” is not a word but in this case, it is quite appropriate).

      8. Don’t forget the temperature data that came from places that had NO thermometers at all!!

      9. Look in the mirror Kevin. Oh hey… what’s that? Hey Kevin… Soros is calling you

      10. OK; but you’re the next sucker. “There’s a sucker born every minute” is a phrase closely associated with P. T. Barnum, an American showman of the mid-19th century.”

      11. AGW is fake Kevin. Plenty of fraudulent data has been admitted to. It brings in the grant money though so why stop now?

      12. It’s not just grants to reserachers – that’s pocket change. The trillion$ go to the International Socialist movement, a globalist octopus.

      13. The fact is, there is and always has been, and always will be, natural climate change, but the contribution of human activity is necessarily so minuscule as to be nearly undetectable. Here’s why:

        Carbon dioxide, considered the main vector for human-caused global warming, is 0.039% of the atmosphere- a trace gas. Water vapor varies, but averages around 1%, and is about ten times more effective a greenhouse gas than carbon dioxide. So water vapor is about 25 times more prevalent and ten times more effective; that makes it 250 times more important to the greenhouse effect than carbon dioxide. The TOTAL contribution of carbon dioxide to the greenhouse effect is therefore about 0.004%. The total human contribution to carbon dioxide since the start of the industrial revolution has been estimated at about 25%. So human greenhouse effect is a quarter of 0.00%, works out to about 0.001%. Since TOTAL greenhouse effect on temperature is estimated at around 63 degrees Fahrenheit, that would come to human-caused warming of about 0.063 degrees Fahrenheit.

        But that’s only the beginning. We’ve had global warming for at least 10,000 years, since the end of the last Ice Age. Whatever caused that, it was not human activity. It was not all those power plants and factories and SUVs being operated by Stone Age cavemen while chipping arrowheads out of bits of flint. Whatever the cause was, it caused the glaciers, which once extended south to Long Island and the northern suburbs of New York City, to not only melt back, but completely disappear (except for a few mountain remnants). That’s one big greenhouse effect! If we are still having global warming – and I suppose we should presume we are, given a 10,000 year trend – it is as close to a certainty as one can get that it is still the overwhelmingly primary cause of continued warming, rather than our piddling 0.001% contribution to the greenhouse effect.

        The science is now all-but-settled on global warming. Convincing new evidence demonstrates cosmic rays and the sun — not human activities — as the dominant controller of climate on Earth. The research, published with little fanfare in the prestigious journal Nature, comes from über-prestigious CERN, the European Organization for Nuclear Research. They demonstrate that cosmic rays promote the formation of molecules that in Earth’s atmosphere can grow and seed clouds, the cloudier and thus cooler it will be. Because the sun’s magnetic field controls how many cosmic rays reach Earth’s atmosphere (the stronger the sun’s magnetic field, the more it shields Earth from incoming cosmic rays from space), the sun determines the temperature on Earth.

        Yet even that trend-continuation still needs to be proved. Evidence is that the Medieval Warm Period in the 1200s was somewhat warmer than we are now, and the climate was a lot colder in the Little Ice Age in the 1600s than it is now. So we are within the range of normal up-and-down fluctuations without human greenhouse contributions that could be significant, or even measurable.

        The principal scientists arguing for human-caused global warming have been demonstrably disingenuous, and now you can see why. They have proved they should not be trusted.

        For all those using the 98% of scientists agree that man is causing global warming…er…climate change.

        Geez you are gullible. It is not 98% of scientists. The 98% comes from a SURVEY (in case you didn’t know, a survey is not a scientific study) sent out in 2009 to 10,257 people. 3,146 answered the survey. Of that 3,146 there were 77 climate scientists who answered. Of those, 75 answered yes to the second of two questions asked by the survey. Question #1 was “When compared with pre-1800s levels, do you think that mean global temperatures have generally risen, fallen, or remained relatively constant?” . Question #2 was “Do you think human activity is a significant contributing factor in changing mean global temperatures?”

        Both questions beg the following: What constitutes “significant”? Does “changing” include both cooling and warming… and for both “better” and “worse”? And which contributions…does this include land use changes, such as agriculture and deforestation?”

        You and anyone spouting the 98% of scientist as a consensus are gullible and useful idiots to those with an agenda.

        You talk about the stupidity on the”deniers” when you yourselves exhibit it far more frequently than any denier. You let yourself be spoon fed by a media that is more interested in telling you what you should believe rather than reporting all the sides of the issue so people can decide for themselves.

        Truth hurts but it doesn’t change the fact it is the truth.

        For an entertaining and devastating critique of the alleged “science” behind the AGW argument, check out this video:

        Richard Muller is a physicist at the University of California campus at Berkeley (!). He is a bit of a showman, but he is also a serious scientist.

        The idea that we should be spending billions upon billions of dollars to reduce carbon dioxide emissions is beyond ludicrous in light of the facts above; it is insane. The true motivation underlying the global warming movement is almost certainly ideological and political in nature, and I predict AGW, as currently preached, will go down as the greatest fraud of all time. It makes Madoff and Ponzi look like pikers by comparison

      14. Conservation and promoting common sense sustainable growth i understand. There are better ways to produce and construct our infrastructure. Income redistribution is the flag. Whenever one group decides to take the results of my labor by force, then give it to someone who hasn’t worked for it? The envious little Marxist weenies are not giving up folks. Even though their theories have never worked in practice. Reality is rarely daunting their fervor for controling us to their whims.

      15. Leftards are really weird. Jerry “Moonbeam” Brown was convinced it was never going to rain again. All Democrats are climatologists, and bad ones at that. Now he has over-full reservoirs and a bad dam in Oroville ready to burst and put a quarter of a million people in mortal danger. He took money allocated 12 years ago, for repair of the dam, and put it into a pork barrel project that sane people call, “The Train to Nowhere”. Now he’s begging the Federal Government for money to fix the dam. Such hypocrisy we see from the Left. Their steady diet is the chanting of useless mantras that are usually wrong. Smoke that in your bong.

      16. How so? Is it because you think so? What is the basis for your apparent deep insights?
        Or is it the more likely case that you have a personality issue: anyone who does not agree with your world view is a dope in your eyes.

      17. Have you seen the temp. sensors placed on concrete directly behind airliners preparing to roll for takeoff? Right inline with the jet-exhaust. Google it…

      18. The money is made by promoting pills and potions not by debunking them…The vitamin companies are famous for their phony made-up research using a couple of people in their studies over 2 weeks.

      19. There lots of good long term double blinded placebo controlled studies showing improved nutrition through supplementation produces some positive results.

      20. And you of course have copious amount of documentation right? No, you don’t. You’re just spouting things you’ve read on some blog or forum with absolutely no understanding of how the data was accumulated, verified or tested. You’re just a parrot: chirping but understanding nothing.

      21. Not bad! it made al gore – a seminary drop-out a billionaire:) I can make my money if I find some nut cases to believe me, I guess. Of course I will have to have a slick smooth tongue and wipe my eyes with some tissues while I denounce “evil” pollution, in other words, do a obama:)

        I was reading about the extremely minute (that is cannot be measured) heat increase the coal industry would cause if it was fully operational as it was before obama, and how obama decimated it by giving major subsidies to wind etc., while allowing China to pick up the slack. China increased its coal production to levels that the US can, according to present statistics, never regain!

        who or what was responsible? chinese lobbyists paying obama’s interest groups or him directly, or his globalisation – redistribute the wealth masters?

    1. I agree with you. I don’t believe in modern medicine at all. Physicians and pharmaceutical companies have been purposely trying to slowly kill billions of people for many years now. I came across this website ( and have been following this guy’s teachings lately. He makes a lot of sense. He believes (and has proven) that pharma is bad and food is healing. His name is Dr. Joshua Axe. Very honest, explains things so plain and simple, and actually enjoys helping people.

      1. I bet you’d believe in “modern medicine” if you had cancer or diabetes. Take a trip to a third world hospital sometime. BTW, anyone who someone who says something as moronic as what you put down doesnt bode well for endorsements for Dr Axe or anyone else. “Plain and simple” explanations might be great for you but chemistry and biology arent plain and simple. If treatments for serious ailments were plain and simple, we would live to 40 just like oh….MOST people in history because chewing on leaves, blood letting and eating dried horse manure doesnt beat modern meds and you cant argue with THAT hard data.

      2. It is very sad that there are so many people in today’s society that believe eating healthy is, as you said, “chewing on leaves, blood letting and eating dried horse manure.” Your “hard data” of modern meds beating out healthy eating of proper foods is ridiculous, to say the least. It is shameful to rely solely on someone who is virtually a complete stranger, such as a physician, to keep you healthy. If we all decided to eat proper foods then there would be so little need for physicians and modern meds. I would rather eat a handful of blueberries on a daily basis than to take a pharmaceutical pill. Modern meds have ruined people’s health, and in many cases, have killed people. Plain, old fashion food has saved many lives, and has put people on the right track to proper health and an energized life.

      3. In principle I think you’re right. But you went too far. Your ‘handful of blueberries’ sounds great. But if you really need to have one (or more) handfuls a day to moderate a life-threatening disease or condition, being able to get them reliably sounds good too. Maybe a capsule, or a tablet, for when there’s no blueberries.

      4. My “handful of blueberries” comment was meant as a general statement. I did not mean that it alone is all I need. My point was that healthy foods are a million times better than any chemical.

      5. I’ll say this, polypharmacy effects are very often bad. My Dad in his
        40s was diagnosed with slightly high cholesterol and got prescribed a
        med for it. A bit later he started having joint pain and got a med. By
        his 50s Dad was taking 7 daily medications for a variety of diagnosed
        ailments with talk about more for new problems. One day Mom reads an
        article about cinnamon or something helping with cholesterol and adds it
        to his diet. Next thing you know his Doctor takes Dad off his med for
        cholesterol because of a drop of it in his tests. Within a couple of
        years he got taken off all of his meds because all of his ailments
        disappeared one after the other as meds got un-prescribed. Same for
        Mom, she was up to six daily meds and is down to just one as the two of
        them enter their 70s.

        But, having said that, I certainly want a
        modern antibiotic rather than dying from an infected slight finger cut
        from a gardening mishap. So, there are good and bad. Taking a walk
        around the neighborhood daily and getting a daily banana, some cinnamon,
        a bowl of whole oats, or some blueberries might be enough for a person; but when
        something serious comes along a new med just might be the thing. Again,
        I think moderation is the key.

        Let’s just say that I never intend to have to take a different prescription med every other hour throughout the day, every day. And, basically, I don’t pay attention to the miracle food or “it’s good, now it’s bad, no it’s good again” reports, I’ll continue to try to balance and moderate,; and have some chocolate or an orange if I get a hankering, figuring my body is trying to tell me it needs something.

      6. Gotcha.I agree 100% about your food being important to your overall health.

        It’s become clear to me as I age that sometimes people get sick. They catch communicable diseases, suffer accidental injuries, and develop conditions of the heart and such. Diet affects that but cannot prevent it. That’s my point. I don’t think we’re in opposition.

      7. You’ve gotten so far outside the realm of reality with all your self-styled “theories” it’s stunning. Physicians are in the business of fixing what can go wrong with the body, for the most part. If they weren’t doing it, they’d quickly go out of business, like any other enterprise that fails. It’s abundantly clear that you fall into the “often wrong, but never in doubt” category, and I won’t waste any more of my time on you, but, good luck, you’re going to need it.

      8. Physicians don’t have answers for every problem that “goes wrong with the body”. Certainly injuries, diseases and serious medical conditions are best addressed by physicians. But just look at the increasing number of multiple-antibiotic-redistant “super-bugs” and opiate addictions– a direct result of questionable treatment, namely, widespread over-prescribing by physicians.

        Treating metabolic syndrome with a diabetes regimen is a perfect example. In this case, there are early interventions that can be effective, as confirmed by the above commenter’s OWN DOCTOR. “Hmm, let’s start you on Metformin” isn’t necessarily the one-and-only answer.

      9. Sorry, you haven’t dealt with a chronic illness. Conventional doctors today treat symptoms. They rarely “cure” squat. They don’t look at the root cause.

        Ask ANYONE who has been on antidepressants – less than 1% of doctors have encouraged them to get outside, get active, change their diet, etc. They don’the look at deficits in D, Magnesium, Potassium…
        Antidepressants don’t “cure” depression, they just mask the problem. That is just one example.

      10. Always remember, medicine is a practice, and they practice on us, and 50% of the doctors graduated in the bottom half of their class and we have no way of knowing which ones they are.

      11. Oh, in response to whether or not I would believe in modern medicine in I had cancer or diabetes, I would not. In fact, I was slightly passed being borderline diabetic. My physician wanted me on pharmaceutical meds, but I refused. I decided to use advice that Dr. Josh Axe has on his website to naturally counter diabetes. I went back to my physician a while later. He sent me for more tests. Then, he told me that somehow I no longer have diabetes, and to keep doing what I am doing.

      12. Same thing happened to my 85 year old mother. My sister (professional dancer, retired, steady gigs until she was in her early 40’s), mom, and I have taken anti-oxidants for 25 years. Last year, her doctor told her she was borderline diabetic, then I found out she’d discontinued her chromium picolinate. Had her restart and 2 weeks later the doctor said he “couldn’t believe it”, her blood sugar was “perfect, keep up whatever you’re doing”. Btw, both my sister and I look younger than our age, our 2 brothers who decided against anti-o’s look OLD for their ages…..

      13. Type 2 Diabetes has been successfully CURED, with either a healthy Vegan diet and or/ going down to one healthy meal a day, in other words fasting every day for 20-22 hours and only eating for 2-4 hours a day.
        Patients have been able to go off meds and insulin.
        Cancer is a war. But I would never recommend treatments that state the side effects are a another form of cancer.

      14. But keep in mind, medical students are trained to perform interventions for injuries and serious health conditions– but nothing about maintaining good health.

      15. When I told my (former) PCP that I had quite dairy, she said there was “no way” I could get “adequate calcium without dairy”. I told her that a serving of broccoli, an orange, and almonds had far more calcium
        She stared at me for a second then said “I only had 20hrs of nutrition, I spent med school studying pharmaceuticals.” That was my last visit to a doctor.

      16. That is absolutely correct, they don’t teach doctors anything about nutrition. I found a young doctor, who hasn’t yet been brainwashed into the big pharma racket, she tests for vitamin and mineral levels. She actually told a friend of mine to take more Vit D and when she did, she felt much better. She’s also happy with the vitamins that I take. I don’t buy the junk vitamins either, I get my vitamins from Swansons vitamins online, I have for the last 30 years, good quality and the prices are terrific.
        I took a bone density test and my chances of a fracture or break were 0-2%, that’s almost unheard of for my age, I’m 74.

      17. I have MS. I used to take 13 medications daily and I felt like complete ___. Went to see a new specialist who wanted to give me 4 more meds. I told him no, I wanted to discuss…

        Fast forward, he told me he wouldn’t see me unless I took the meds. So I fired him.

        I quit all meds cold turkey. Went on a restrictive form of paleo – within 3months, felt like a new person. Chronic pain – used to pop Aleve like candy. Haven’t taken a single one in more than 4yrs. I kayaked the Grand Canyon, backpacked >40 steep miles in a long weekend…

        I’m healthier now at 42 than I was at 22. I wouldn’t see a conventional doctor unless I needed an amputation.

      18. Try this site, people share there experience, practise in fighting nearly every possible disease with natural remedies:
        It is fantastic, I’ve taken my arthritis under control by drinking ACV & Boron. Orthodox medicine would ‘cure’ me to death with immuno-depresants & steroids .

      19. Perhaps if we were all more careful about what we put in our bodies, cancer and diabetes wouldn’t be an issue. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.
        What gives you the right to call someone else’s opinion that isn’t the same as yours, “moronic”?

      20. I sat in for one of his free webinars last night. It was fantastic. I always learn a lot from him.

    2. I say anything that is natural is probably at least okay for you in moderation and anything synthetic or processed is bad for you in most cases. But then again what the hell do I know, well maybe I do know more than whoever wrote this pathetic article.

      1. Logical fallacy: Argumentum ad naturam

        It is a logical fallacy that anything that is natural is good for you or at worst is benign. This is not a scientific position. It is a religious position where god has been replaced by “mother nature”. I assure you it is more complicated than that. For example methyl mercury is a natural product. Now eat fish contaminated with this natural thing.

    3. Can anyone spell global warming? 1970’s scientists were convinced the earth was definately getting colder.

      1. When I first heard of global warming years ago (due to man-made CO2 emissions), my very first thought was “Good, perhaps that will stop the next ice age”. I had been programmed to be worried about global cooling before then !!! (I am 65 years old.)

      2. The global warming who became climate change a truism at best started in modern period in the 90′ at the end of the cold war.The left losing the war of the century against the capitalism redirected all their efforts a.k.a propaganda towards the cosumer society..and it’s engine: the oil.That’s when the biggest perversion in history of science started. This magic show using all the tools of the best puppets masters of the left continues today as the biggest hoax in the theater of life.

      3. They had to change it to warming because it wasn’t getting colder. Now they just call it “climate change” which covers everything. I call it WEATHER. We’ve had that as long as we’ve been alive.

      4. I agree that our planet warms and cools. But when we are adding so many toxins and poisons to our water, air, soil – it can’t be ignored. I am a scuba diver – did coral mapping off the coast of Grand Bahama Island every other year for a decade. To see how the coral has died – particularly in direct correlation to the chemicals from the golf courses was mind blowing.

        It is hard to take much of the climate change poster children like Al Gore, Dicaprio, when they fly around in private jets but lecture us.

        Mother Nature always adapts – look at DEET-resistant mosquitos, antibiotic-resistance… sucks the we are selective about what matters and have to question the “data”

      5. And I wore a pair of peep-toe ruby ones yesterday… I wouldn’t click heels for fear of scuffing.

      6. Global warming is hijacking the environmental movement to ignore the real culprit, the chemical revolution, and to instead put a tax on life! As most leftist movements do over generations, the snake is now eating its own tail!

      7. When McDonalds first came out with Happy Meals in the early 70s, they had global cooling propaganda in them. I remember reading about the coming ice age, and then throwing it in the trash. Even then I knew the scare propaganda was bs.

      8. So many people reacted the same way and threw it in the trash that measurable carbon sequestration occurred and saved the planet. Congratulations.

      9. This was before recycling was widespread. Even propaganda was telling us to throw it in the trash, so there wouldn’t be litter. That was how we cared for the planet back then. “Congratulations” for being judgmental when you would have done the same thing if you were alive then.

      10. Okay. I apologize! I guess it was your fighting stance in your avatar, I thought you were looking for a fight!

      11. Except now it is incinerated at your local “energy recovery” plant which is what they call it here where I live. First, there is the carbon dioxide. Then, when PVC packaging gets into the load, out comes a witch’s brew of chlorine containing compounds. Remember WWI? Yeah, those chemicals.

      12. The Earth, in a still inexplicable occurrence, healed itself…

        Give me your money, I will spend time researching to tell you something which could be true, until it isn’t.

      13. They found out the hole gets larger and smaller in cycles in exact ratio to how much particles the sun is throwing at us. Imagine that, particle bombardment along magnetic lines were the natural cause and not our air conditioners!

      14. Uvc makes ozone. Uvb is absorbed by ozone, splitting it in the process. The ratio of uvc to uvb may not be a constant. And there is little sunlight at the Southpole so it doesn’t matter if there is a hole there. Not to mention the sunlight that does make it to the ground doesn’t go through the hole

      15. Once they had succeeded in trashing the refrigerant gas market; they moved on to other scams. I read an article that was a “forty years ago” in Scientific American about the discovery of an ozone hole above Antarctica in 1938. Freon wasn’t used as a propellant until they had a malaria problem during the Second World War, about five years later.

      16. I don’t know if they were convinced we were facing the next ice age……..but they sure collected a lot of research dollars to push that agenda…………it was all over high school in the late ’60s and early ’70s!

      17. I still have a book titled The Cooling. The story was that the Canadian Maritime Provinces would grow a permanent ice cap that would then cause multiple years without a Summer, like 1816.

    4. I have also found that moderation is KEY. Thanks franc1sc0, for reminding the Young’uns, Moderation is KEY.

    5. It’s partly the way these studies are reported in the mainstream press, making it appear that the results from a single study represent “conclusive” findings. Even this reporter is doing it, by claiming that the Chinese study “confirms” the findings of the Danish meta-study. Although (at least according to this article) the Chinese study concludes anti-oxidents are harmful, while the Danish meta-study merely reports “no benefit”– different findings!

      Also, notice this writer doesn’t provide any specific references that would allow readers to study and evaluate for themselves. So this latest study should be kept in mind, but the rule is: unless confirmed by other research, a single study is never “conclusive”. Sure makes for scary headlines, though.

    6. Look at the FDA approving so many drugs and devices – the list of potential side-effects are staggering… I don’t trust much of what they recommend – so many studies are funded by special interests and info on studies hidden… now flossing is supposedly unnecessary.

      Use common sense. If we quit eating so much crap, we wouldn’t need all these “remedies” to fix stuff.

    7. Movement and vegetables are best things for you.

      I would also add plenty of rest and moderate your stress. I have to turn off the news lately.

    8. excellent and well thought out comment. as for the climate change thing. they cant predict it a month out and they are telling us how its gonna be in 100 years. you betcha. besides climate change is not about climate, its about control and taxation.

      1. Water can be consumed to the point of harming a person. More than your body can excrete and you can suffer issues with swelling (including brain swelling), electrolyte imbalances, and other things. People die from it. If too much pure, clean drinking-water can kill you, what can’t?

    9. Like most of the media, scientists make things up for their own benefit. I have never paid attention to any of it, I do take vitamins, have since the 60’s, I rarely get sick, never have had a flu shot, and at my age, the only meds I take is thyroid and the lowest dose of BP pill they have. I drive the docs crazy because they’re dying to find something wrong with me, they think I’m not telling them about some symptoms they think I should be having. lol
      Always remember, medicine is a practice, and they practice on us, and 50% of the doctors graduated in the bottom half of their class and we have no way of knowing which ones they are.

    10. Yes, and instead of Americans, or anyone worrying about longevity, just be mindful of each day, and don’t waste a single moment.
      Enjoy each day, eat what the heck you want…No one gets out alive, so enjoy the foods you like. Your expiration date in my opinion is not up to you, or your diet.

    11. ” A study in China? ”

      Agree. Use common sense.
      The absence of any one vitamin or mineral will cause a problem.
      Too much of any one vitamin or mineral will cause a problem.
      If you need help, visit a registered dietitian and a naturopathic
      physician for blood panel & counsel.

    12. franco1sc0 – yes moderation and common sense equates to longevity and wellness.
      true favourable testimonials are indications of positive benefits and cure, not Chinese research.
      saw bland retina photos of near blind, olde gal. after six months of daily intake of vitamin C and Lysine, her eyesight returned to near normal. her new retina photos showed tremendous increase in visible red capillaries. source: DrGiffordJones [ who is alert, in his midd 90s and ingests these as powders as do I ]. be well – jim

    13. You are correct. Good science demands that a theory be tested vigorously….theories are made strong/valid when so many attempts to show them wrong fail…..that is the way science is supposed to work.

      Einstein famously said something to the effect 100’s of studies can prove my theory correct…but it takes just one to prove it wrong.

      Climate science is not practiced in this manner…one is called a Holocaust Denier if they should even question anything about it. But yet there are dozens of climate models each with differing degrees of warming projected into the future, based not just CO2 increase, but on the real culprit that is not fully understood….the role of water vapor…increased CO2 is assumed to be positively amplified by increased atmospheric water vapor which is what is theorized to achieve the warming…not CO2 directly, which is simply too tiny….at less than 1 part per 10,000 to achieve any meaningful warming.

      If the science is settled why are the models not all the same? The answer is because the assumptions about the physical workings of the atmosphere are not all the same….the science is not settled. The climate is a very complex system….it would be amazing if the first attempts to model it were spot on accurate. A system that has many interacting variables, none of which are static but change as well. As system known to change all the time without any influence from humanity. A system that is being projected far into the future such that model validation is not easily performed (as it is in a weather model whereby the forecast 5 days out can be verified 5 days out…not decades later.) There are many challenges to climate science, but somehow this science was modeled perfectly on the first attempt…no need to question anything…it is all settled….that is the way climate science is practiced…all very suspicious.

      There is no doubt that CO2 absorbs a portion (a small portion) of the outgoing long wave radiation leaving the Earth for space…the mechanism by which the planet cools itself…it absorbs incoming radiation from the sun in shorter wave lengths outside the spectra of CO2 (and other greenhouse gases) and the outgoing radiant heat is converted to longwave spectra that causes vibrations in dipole molecules, such as CO2 and H2O.

      But that is all that can be simply stated about CO2. But the climate is not just CO2. It is a complex system. There are many variables that impact Earths heat budget….CO2 at less than 1 tenth of 1% total atmospheric composition (99.99% of air is not CO2) is not the only climate variable and all have feedback influences on each other…the sun without doubt being the most influential climate driver.

  6. So is this FAKE NEWS? What has the Chinese media to gain or lose by promoting this information?

  7. Very poorly written, piece-of-junk, article. No mention of specific antioxidants, doses, research parameters, nutritional status, or other health concerns of the population in question. Lets face it, the smog in parts of China are enough to choke a roach, whether or not it is taking nutraceutical supplements.

    1. For all we know the Chinese test subjects were taking synthetic vitamins made out of some weird industrial ingredients.

  8. Wow, what a load of pro pharma crap. For a study like this to have any scientific plausibility at all. Types of antioxidants of used and amounts as well as studies on people and not worms. The reason for taking antioxidents in the first place is not to give yourself youth. It is to remove the oxicdents that the cell creates as you age. So the whole basis of taking supplements is wrong. Basically they are challenging a 2000 year tradition (TCM) with worm study BS.

  9. Lol, I’ll be damned if I will listen to any research coming from University of Beijing. Hey China, when I see a made in China stamp, I ALWAYS put the product down, never buy any food or vitamins from you all….

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